welcome to our of code an introduction
to the basics of computer programming or
as it's commonly called coding code is
all around you and the results of coding
are everywhere whether you're posting a
tweet watching a YouTube video or even
swiping a debit card whatever happens
happens because of lines of code in fact
just about anything with a plug or
battery uses code or computer programs
to do things lots of everyday items
phones watches microwaves cars have
computers in them and they all rely on
code to make them work so what is code
exactly code is a precise set of
instructions a computer can understand
think of it as a recipe the instructions
need to be precise so whatever you're
making turns out the way it should and
just like people in different parts of
the world speak different languages
computers understand many different
languages - with names like Python C++
Perl and Visual Basic they're all
different in their own way and similar
to spoken languages they share many of
the same basic features today we're
going to write some code using a
language called touchdevelop
but the ideas behind the code applied to
any programming language select let's
get started to begin