My morning coffee...

in coffee •  7 years ago 

I roll out of bed and stumble to bathroom. Accidentally pee on my foot because im still half asleep. Only thing that can pull me out of this slumber is some coffee. As I make my way to the keurig my cats are doing everything in their power to stop me. They act like they cannot feed themselves.
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After feeding the starving children I can finally indulge in a sweet cup of coffee. Then my worst nightmare I am out of coffee. Completely forgetting my binge drinking I had went through yesterday completely annihilating the remainder. At this point I am so furious I get into my car and start speeding off. Flipping off every passerby and running every stop sign to not a second. I met my final moment as I crash into a police car. Instantly killing everyone involved in the crash. Ahhh finally as I get that sip of coffee as I am falling to hell.

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