Love your Coffee and Save Money with a Keurig Coffee Maker

in coffee •  8 years ago 

Unless your like @dollarvigilante who has an assistant pouring some gourmet $100/bean gold into your cup while enjoying 7course meals for breakfast, the expense of this morning brew can add up in a hurry. 

I used to be a regular at coffee shops, but realized that just in 1month of going into Starbucks or caribou it can cost you $100-150, or well over $1,000 a year. 

At 5$ a day, this is insane!

 Now you can always brew yourself a pot in the morning, but being the only coffee drinker in my house, so much went to waste and the taste isn't even comparable *YUK. That is why I started looking into a

 Keurig Coffee maker.

At first I was put off by the prices. My current coffee maker cost me 20$, but one of these machines can run a couple hundred dollars for even the cheaper version. Now the cost of the machine wasn't the big deal, but the cost of those insert K cups! Those can be expensive, ranging from 10-20$ for a 20pack. At this rate, I would still spend a lot of cash on those cups, which only make 1cup of coffee by the way. 

But then I found these!

These Re-Useable K cups are the game changer! Different versions are either plastic or metal, and can cost as little as 5$ at Walmart. This was perfect. After getting one of these, you’re completely open to use any ground coffee you please. You can buy a big bag of caribou specialty for $15 and it lasts for months!

Now I fully enjoy my Keurig by getting whole beans, and grinding it down myself. Doing it this way guarantees you have a perfectly fresh cup of coffee, every time.  I have gone so far to sometimes considering myself my personal barista. You can add different creamers and sugars to spice up your coffees, and never forget the whipped cream! In the winter, try adding peppermint candies into your coffee for an increasingly minty and seasonal specialty.

Even for the Non-coffee lovers, this machine can brew also brew tea very well. Even the kids love it because you can also make hot chocolate, and they can help.

Not only is getting a Keurig and the insert an investment that will pay for itself, but you can have a more enjoyable coffee experience while maintaining the quality you would find from a coffee shop.

Thank You for reading and comments are always welcomed.

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I use a Regular pot, but Pour The Remaining Coffee into a Chocolate milk jug and pour it into water bottles for on the go iced coffees.

Thats a good idea. So do you leave some chocolate milk in the jug for added flavor? but In truth, I've always liked my coffee hot hot.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Right, but I was one of those dillholes that spent 2.89 every morning I didn't have time to make a pot. I just usually put chocolate syrup with milk and poured coffee in. It's saved me some quatloos

Interesting, just woke up, and really need a cup of coffee now ahah

Me also. today im going with some beans I recieved from brazil. hrm just gave myself an idea while sipping my coffee this morning