What Is Arabica Gayo Coffee [{BILINGUAL}]

in coffee •  7 years ago 

Good day for reliable posters. Hopefully you're in good shape.
my post times about arabica coffee coming from Gayo land.

Selamat siang para pembuat postingan yang handal. Semoga anda dalam keadaan baik baik saja.
pos saya kali tentang kopi arabica yang berasal dari tanah Gayo.


At this time of Aceh there are two types of coffee cultivated namely Arabica coffee and also Robusta coffee. For Arabica type coffee is generally cultivated in the highlands region, Central Aceh. Arabica coffee agaj large and also dark green, oval-shaped leaves, tree height approximately approximately seven meters. But on coffee plantations, tree height is maintained to be around two or three meters. Her goal to be easy when harvested by local residents. Arabica coffee trees begin production at the age of three years. Usually the branch grows from the stem with a length of about 15 Centi Meters. The leaves above the color are younger because the sun rays are slightly darker under. Each bar accommodates 10 to 15 small flower arrangements that will become coffee fruit.

Pada saat ini Aceh terdapat dua jenis kopi yang dibudidayakan yaitu kopi Arabica dan juga kopi Robusta. Untuk kopi jenis Arabica umumnya dibudidayakan di wilayah dataran tinggi, Aceh Tengah. Kopi Arabica agaj besar dan juga berwarna hijau gelap, daunnya berbentuk oval, tinggi pohonnya lebih kurang sekitar tujuh meter. Namun di perkebunan kopi, tinggi pohon dijaga agar berkisar dua atau tiga meter. Tujuan nya agar mudah saat di panen oleh warga setempat. Pohon kopi arabica mulai produksi di umur tiga tahun. Lazimnya dahan tumbuh dari batang dengan panjang sekitar 15 Centi Meter. Dedaunan yang diatas lebih muda warnanya karena sinar matahari segangkan yang di bawah agak gelap. Setiap batang menampung 10 hingga 15 rangkaian bunga kecil yang akan menjadi buah kopi.

From this process then came the coffee fruit in call cherry, oval-shaped, two pieces side by side. Gayo Coffee is one of the leading commodities originating from the Gayo Highlands. Coffee plantations that have been developed since 1908 are thriving in the districts of Bener Meriah and Central Aceh. Both areas are located at an altitude of 1200 meters above sea level has the largest coffee plantations in Indonesia with an area of 81,000 ha. 42,000 ha each are located in Bener Meriah district and also 39,000 ha in Central Aceh District. Gayo is the name of a native tribe that inhabits this area. The majority Gayo people work as coffee farmers.

Dari proses inilah kemudian muncul buah kopi di sebut cherry, berbentuk oval, dua buah berdampingan. Kopi Gayo merupakan salah satu komoditi unggulan yang berasal dari Dataran Tinggi Gayo. Perkebunan kopi yang telah dikembangkan sejak tahun 1908 ini tumbuh subur di kabupaten Bener Meriah dan Aceh Tengah. Kedua daerah yang berada di ketinggian 1200 Meter dari permukaan laut tersebut memiliki perkebunan kopi terluas di Indonesia yaitu dengan luas 81.000 ha. Masing-masing 42.000 ha berada di kabupaten Bener Meriah dan juga 39.000 ha di Kabupaten Aceh Tengah. Gayo adalah nama suku Asli yang mendiami daerah ini. Mayoritas masyarakat Gayo berprofesi sebagai petani kopi.

Verietas Arabica dominates the coffee barbers that coffee farmers are interested in. Arabica Coffee Production generated from Gayo Land is the largest in Asia, Gayo Coffee is one of the typical coffee Nusantara Aceh origin which quite much favored by some circles of the world there. Gayo coffee has a very distinctive aroma and flavor. Most of the coffee is there, the bitterness is still left on our tongue, but not so on Gayo Coffee. There is even a opinion that the taste of Gayo coffee exceeds the taste of Blue Mountain Coffee originating from Jamaica. Gayo coffee is produced from a smallholder plantation in the Gayo highlands of Central Aceh. But in that area coffee is planted in an organic way without chemicals so this coffee is also known as green coffee (environmentally friendly). Gayo coffee is touted as the best organic coffee in the world.

Verietas Arabica mendominasi jinis kopi yang di kenbangkan oleh para petani Kopi Gayo. Produksi Kopi Arabica yang di hasilkan dari Tanah Gayo merupakan yang terbesar di Asia, Kopi Gayo merupakan salah satu kopi khas Nusantara asal Aceh yang cukup banyak digemari oleh beberapa kalangan yang ada si dunia. Kopi Gayo memiliki aroma dan rasa yang sangat khas. Kebanyakan kopi yang ada, rasa pahitnya masih tertinggal di lidah kita, namun tidak demikian pada Kopi Gayo. Bahkan ada juga yang berpendapat bahwa rasa kopi Gayo melebihi cita rasa Kopi Blue Mountain yang berasal dari negara Jamaika. Kopi Gayo dihasilkan dari perkebunan rakyat di dataran tinggi Gayo, Aceh Tengah. Namun di daerah tersebut kopi di tanam dengan cara organik tanpa bahan kimia sehingga kopi ini juga di kenal sebagai kopi hijau (ramah lingkungan). Kopi Gayo disebut-sebut sebagai kopi organik terbaik di dunia.

Hopefully this paper provides benefits and positive information for all of Steemian friends. We apologize if there is an error in the context that I submit

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Mantap Aduen.. Pat man ta jeb kupi sigoe

I love coffee... it's my one and only vice... I've tried to quit it several times...
In my native islands we have a special recipe called barraquito that includes cinnamon, cream and condensated mil and some liquor... yummy... Think I gotta prepare a cup of coffee now!