8 Ways to Get Started

in coffee •  7 years ago 


  1. End with the past
    If you have too many projects in your head, forget about them and start from scratch. Proceed to the next case, just finishing the previous one. You must be focused on one thing.

  2. List the cases
    Make a list of all the things that you need to do, whether cleaning the house or walking with a dog.

  3. Distribute cases according to priorities
    Choose the most important thing you need to do within a day, a week or a year. Then select the next most important case, and so on, until you reach the end of the list.

  4. Do not get distracted.
    Eliminate anything that distracts you from the things you really need to do. Do not be distracted by books, television, computer. This will help you fully focus on those things that you need to accomplish.

  5. Take a day off
    Perhaps it will seem to you that this advice is a bit contradictory to others. But if you make a rest, nobody dies and the world does not turn over, but then you can return to work with fresh forces, thereby increasing your productivity.

  6. Put the order in order.
    Put your order on your desk, in your house, in your wardrobe. Any mess in your life causes a mess in your head. Eliminating the disorder clears your mind.

  7. Stop analyzing
    Sometimes you analyze too much, and this prevents you from moving on. If something does not work out for you, do not blame yourself and do not go in cycles, you can always go back to this later, while doing something else.

  8. Motivate yourself
    You and will postpone your affairs if in your head there are thoughts: "I need to get up, but I can not, better I'll do it later." Try to find new ways to motivate yourself.

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