Homewotn food

in coffee •  7 years ago 


When you travel , or staying , or working far from hometown , the thing that you ll miss is hometown food especially the food that have been make by our parent.

This is kolomen campur campur or know as mix noddle . one of my fav food that i ll miss when i travelling .

There is a lot noodle soup around the world but no one is same like what we have in home town

Next thing that i ll miss is kopi o ping or iced coffee. The original taste of coffee that has been blend with you body is the taste of sabahan coffee from tenom.

It must original kaw, of kopi o kaw ping . so you ll the taste of fav blended coffeeCF683AFE-CAE2-441E-B291-6A712B492C2B.jpeg

the last one is tauhu sumbat , which we use to eat it everyday for breakfast . 3276F061-FF57-425D-BE2B-D575616AE67A.jpeg

Tell me , whats food make you miss hometown when you are not in your hometown

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