Choosing the Right Coffee Machine Size for Your Business: 1, 2, or 3 Groups?


Selecting the appropriate coffee machine size is a pivotal decision that can significantly impact your business operations. Drawing from our 29 years of experience in renting espresso machines, this article aims to guide you in making an informed choice between a 1-group, 2-group, or 3-group coffee machine for your business.

Understanding the Coffee Machine Groups

Let's begin by clarifying what we mean by "groups." The full term is "Group Head," often simply referred to as a "group." It's the component of the espresso machine to which the portafilter or handle attaches for brewing espresso. Consequently, a 1-group coffee machine allows you to produce one double shot of espresso at a time, while 2 and 3-group machines enable multiple double espressos to be brewed concurrently. In the modern coffee industry, double shots are the standard, unless single shots are explicitly requested.

Number of Steam Wands:

The choice of the number of groups also affects the number of steam wands on the espresso machine. 1-group machines typically have one or two steam wands, while 2 or 3-group machines come with two steam wands. If you opt for a 1-group machine, keep in mind that there isn't an alternative steam wand on the other side, which may influence the positioning of the coffee machine and grinder for an optimal workflow or ergonomic setup.

Impact on Boiler Size:

The number of groups has a direct impact on the size of the coffee machine and, most importantly, the size of the boiler(s) inside. All espresso machines include a hot water tap for preparing beverages requiring hot water, drawing from the boiler inside. When hot water is used, it's replaced with cold water that needs to be heated to the desired temperature by the heating element. A 1-group machine with a smaller boiler will take longer to reheat the cold water, resulting in limited hot water availability for making teas or Americanos before the machine requires a brief pause to recover. Therefore, a 1-group machine is best suited for low-volume espresso production with occasional hot water needs. If you plan to serve more coffee or anticipate frequent use of the hot water tap, a 2 or 3-group machine is advisable. Alternatively, consider a 1-group machine with a separate hot water boiler positioned nearby for teas.

Dual Boiler La Marzocco Espresso Machines:

La Marzocco espresso machines are highly regarded for their two-boiler design. They feature one boiler dedicated to espresso water and a separate boiler for the hot water tap and steam. This design allows La Marzocco machines to better handle higher-volume espresso production and hot water tap usage compared to single-boiler espresso machines like Rocket or Wega.

Reliability Considerations:

Reliability is another critical factor to ponder. While all our espresso machines are of top-notch Italian craftsmanship, they may occasionally experience issues due to scale and usage. Although we provide unlimited servicing and repairs within the rental cost, the timing of breakdowns can be inconvenient. When a coffee machine breaks down, having alternative groups to use while awaiting a service technician can be advantageous.

Most Popular Group Size:

Approximately 70% of the coffee machines we've rented are 2-group machines, striking a balance for many businesses. When space is limited, the 2-group compact espresso machine is a popular choice. For establishments serving substantial volumes of coffee or requiring frequent use of the hot water tap, 3-group machines are preferred.

Consider Your Busiest Hour:

Select your coffee machine size based on your busiest hour of the day, not just the total daily sales divided evenly. This ensures your machine effectively meets peak demands.

In conclusion, determining the right coffee machine size can be challenging, especially if you're uncertain about your coffee sales volume. Unless you anticipate low sales, we typically recommend starting with a full-size 2-group coffee machine, as it strikes a balance that works well for most businesses. We understand that needs may change, which is why we offer one espresso machine swap during all 2- and 3-year rental agreements. If you begin with a 2-group machine and later realize you require a 3-group, we'll install the 3-group coffee machine at no extra cost and adjust your monthly rental accordingly.

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