다차원 화폐의 등장 - 홀로체인

in coinkorea •  6 years ago  (edited)

1차원의 세계와 2차원의 세계는 어떤 차이가 있을까?

누군가가 오목을 그리고 있으면 동시에 블록이 그려집니다. 우리는오목한 화폐를 그리면서 오목한 세상만을 보고 있을 뿐이죠^

고차원의 세계는 낮은 차원에서 불가능한 것도 가능하게 된다

Disclaimer; I have no idea what I’m talking about, and all of this could be totally wrong.

Wealth is currently one-dimensional. Ceptr is trying to build a more complex, expressive idea of wealth, analogous to the shift from oral knowledge to written. Wealth in their terms can be subjective/expressive, like satisfaction. The proposed system allows any receptor to make a statement, then consensus is negotiated. If they don't come to consensus, that's fine, they fork, or cancel the transaction. Each node has full authority to process its own transactions.

Ceptr’s ontology of 'wealth' is slightly unusual; when they say their tech can measure currencies, that includes any resource. AirBnB reputation is a currency. A movie that has a high IMDB rating is wealthy in that sense. A college degree is a form of wealth. And of course, traditional paper money is a currency.

Too narrow a view of wealth is what causes negative externalities. You burn coal to make money, but ruin the air; you didn't have good air on your balance sheet.

✨부( 富 )는 무한하다

부( 富 )는 기존의 자원을 새로운 방법으로 이용할 때 생겨난다. 창조성은 사실상 무한하므로, 부( 富 ) 역시 마찬가지다.

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