"Coinstarter" They went above & beyond for me

in coinstarter •  7 years ago 

Created an account last year & referred alot of people. However in error I added my email incorrectly as xxxxgmail.co.uk when it should have been xxxxxgmail.com. I added my eth address mths ago but now I have to claim my earned token threw my error email address. Ive contacted support but they said that they cant help me to change the address(understandable) but because i cant claim them they are going to burn them & they wont process my Eth there end. So feeling disappointed & heart-broken now. Over $1000 lost. Was my error but i thought i could have still received my well earned tokens....
Also please note i can still access my account fine...

Just heard back from Coinstarter. They went above & beyond for me and changed the coding so could fix my email infor. Unbelievable Great support on their end. Will be forever thankful.....😀😀😀

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