CollaborativeArtJourney...."TAKE ACTION" No. 34 --- Diffuse memories

in colaborativoartjourney •  7 years ago 

Hello friends of Steemit, it is a pleasure to write to you again ... This time I want to show you a piece that I elaborated for the ColaborativeArtJourney organized by @everlove.

I called it diffuse memories, because if we pay attention to the image you can notice certain figures that do not come to be clearly shown, resembling a memory that can not be clearly re-lived. I hope you can enjoy it as much as I do.


Greetings and blessings!

Until next publication!!!

Follow me: @grafaelt
Instagram: @grafaelt

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Wow...I'm a little late to this party, I am!!! It's so cool how you interpreted this image. As you will see in my finale,

figures that do not come to be clearly shown, resembling a memory that can not be clearly re-lived

is right on target!!! Super job on the interpretation and on the formation of such a beautiful piece. So glad you're here to pay with us.

@everlove Do not worry, they say over there that it's better late than never. I'm glad that you liked my work, and that you could see what I wanted to convey. Thank you!!

Great interpretation -- and I'm glad you weren't too late. I'm grateful to include you in our FINALE. I hope you also filled out the form for possibilities of exhibition.

I am honored to be included. And of course, I filled out the form so that my work can be displayed and enjoyed by others!

Great move. I imagine something amazing will come our way for sharing.