How to heat a house

in cold •  7 years ago 

What happens when the temperatures drop and we start to suffer from the cold? Here we spend money on electricity and gas to heat our homes, neglecting some precious precautions that can allow us to optimize the heating and save a lot of money. Let's see how to improve the energy efficiency of our home, with few and easy interventions.


The dispersion of heat

Once the house is heated, the heat quickly starts to disperse: we know it very well, we just turn on the boiler and turn it off when the desired temperature has been reached and, as if by magic, in a short time we feel cold again. The responsible for this heat dissipation are the walls, the floor, the ceiling and the windows.

To overcome the problem of dispersion, it is possible to intervene on these elements, thus managing to keep the house warmer in a less expensive way and arriving to cut the electricity bill by 20%. The advice we are giving you does not require large investments, but even the highest expenses will be compensated in a few years by a safe and very welcome savings.

Some suggestions

An excellent remedy consists in the installation of insulating panels, at least 1.5 cm thick. We find them in various materials, from fiberglass to rock wool, and allow us to reduce the heat loss through walls and ceilings by two thirds. They do not cost much, it is more about finding the time and the desire to apply them to all the surfaces that we intend to isolate better!

As for the windows, apart from the obvious trick to avoid the drafts in any way (every method is good, from the most improvised to the most expensive), it is good to have double glazing and apply special films that, coating the glass , perfectly isolate the environment both in winter and in summer. In this way we will have the hottest house in winter and cooler in summer, thus decreasing the use of the air conditioner.

An ingenious and very economical method

Did you know that it is possible to heat a room with only 10 cents? To invent a curious and economical system to raise the temperature of the house is a certain Dylan Winter, journalist, and the necessary tools are few and very simple: to make this small artisan stove you just have to get a metal tray, two earthenware vases of two different sizes (we are talking about normal flower vases, with a hole in the bottom) and some candles.

Once the candles are placed (and lit!) On the metal tray, they are covered with the first terracotta vase, which is then covered by the second vase. The candles heat the air, which, passing through the holes located at the bottom of the two vessels, heads upwards, exploiting the convective motion between hot air and cold air, thus heating the room in which the ingenious system has been placed.

The inventor assures that for a normal room four candles are sufficient, which lasts about four hours. It would therefore seem that, avoiding special and expensive candles, it is possible to spend very few cents to heat more than enough the environment in which we live, significantly reducing the cost of the bill.

Does anyone want to experience this strange method? One last, essential advice if you have in mind to try it: place the candles away from any flammable surface, or the heating you get will be very excessive.

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Very interesting, do you have a drawing of this? I could do one if not, I'd like to try it out, I have a number of pots, I love growing things. Which reminds me, it's time to plant things.