A Late Christmas Post - Pewter Ornament Collection

in collections •  7 years ago 


It always makes me a little sad to take down our Christmas tree.

Having it glowing in the corner of the room always adds some warmth to the house during these dark winter days.

My mother started the tradition of giving her adult children a family ornament every year. These ornaments come from Avon, a company that sells beauty products, gifts, and accessories through "Avon Ladies" who come to your home with a catalog for you to order from. My older brother began receiving these pewter ornaments in 1991, when he and my sister-in-law married. When I married in 2001 I began receiving them.

Here is my assemblage, with the exception of 2012...which I must have missed getting a photo of.

2001, 2002, 2003, 2004

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2005, 2006, 2007, 2008

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2009, 2010, 2011

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2013, 2014, 2015, 2016

And now this year's ornament...!


Each of these ornaments is kept in its own velour bag inside individual boxes. There have been a few years our tree was already too full and I didn't get them out. One day I want a smaller tree somewhere on the landing upstairs that I can decorate with only these ornaments.

Anyway, I just wanted to share these with you. Sorry it is so late after Christmas. I tried getting photos of them while all the other ornaments were on the tree and they were impossible to spot for photos. Thanks for looking! Tell me about special ornaments you have in your collection!

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I still got a few odds and ends to put away. Always is a bit of melancholy at this time. All the best in 2018!

Thanks, @old-guy-photos. My living room has so much more space now that the tree is down. Room for all the doggos!

Aww, and aren't those the ones that you hold dearest to your heart? So meaningful. 😊
We did have a good little collection going, until the attack of the praying mantises Christmas 2016! Lol. We had to throw everything out and start from scratch.
I love the little ones the kids have got to make at school.

Each kid gets a new ornament each year that reflects them in some way. This year Toby received a glass triceratops, Jojo got a resin saddle, and Maddy got a rainbow unicorn. I keep adding more and more so I either need a larger tree or I need choose some to stay in storage.

How heartbreaking to lose your whole collection! Did you have a real tree that had mantis eggs?? I would lose my shit. No thanks. Haha!

No don't keep 'em in storage! Like you were saying, maybe try and have a separate tree for certain ornaments. I like that idea! And yes, for a few years I was hooked on getting real trees. They were great! We didn't do anything different in 2016 so I don't know if it was just because it was warmer out or what. But poor Roman! He was so excited to bring me one of his new toys and looked down only to see bugs all over it. We saw a trail of them leading to the tree. They were all over that wall! We cleaned everything, threw everything away (just decided it would be easier that way, so that no bugs overstayed their welcome, haha)! This year when we got the opportunity to get a fake tree, we went with it! I hate it because the real ones are so beautiful but not worth another bug attack! Lol

Spectacular as always! Go through my blog and see my new content, Greetings :D

Thank you, @sorn1992! Glad to see you again!

My Swarovski Crystal ornaments date from 2000 until the new one I just got this year from my grandkids. It has become a traditional gift from the kids each year. Like you, I would love to do a tree with only those ornaments on it