What are some applications of collective intelligence ?

in collectiveintelligence •  8 years ago 

This post aims to bring a series of collective intelligence applications in real life.
Those applications are also examples of how data fusion and related algorithms are functional to creating collective knowledge.

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By simply googling for searching those applications is not always easy. So I made a list of links coming from the European commission’s program on Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation.
Each link points to a page explainning the idea behing the project.
1- ASSET DEVELOPMENT TEAM OF LCM (http://www.asset-consumerism.eu/Asset) Boosts sustainable consumerism via personalized product information.
2- Welcome to cap4access (http://www.cap4access.eu/intro.html) CAP4Access A Collective Awareness Platform for improving accessibility in European Cities and Regions.
3- Capsella Events | Capsella (http://www.capsella.eu/Capsella) A data-driven project on agro-biodiversity and agri-food.
4- Captor . It Combines citizen science and collaborative learning to understand reasons and consequences of air pollution. For More check Europe's dae Newsroom (http://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/dae/document.cfm?action=display&doc_id=13788)
5- CATALYST project - FP7 (http://catalyst-fp7.eu/) Catalyst A project on collective applied intelligence and analytics for social innovation
6- ChainReact Encourages transparent, reactive and responsible corporate networks.
7- CHEST Project (http://www.chest-project.eu/) CHEST A collaborative innovation that provides a collective enhanced environment for social tasks.
8- Sustainability & Digital Social Innovation (https://capssi.eu/about/) CHIC An initiative that coordinates high impact for CAPS.
9- Commrades : a collective platform for community resilience and social innovation.
10- http://c4rs.eu/Crowd4Roads (http://c4rs.eu/Crowd4Roads) A project on crowd sensing and trip sharing for road sustainability.
11- About | D-CENT (http://dcentproject.eu/about-us/) D-Cent Europe-wide project that provides decentralised citizens engagement technologies.
12- Home - DecarboNet (https://www.decarbonet.eu/) DecarboNet A Decarbonisation Platform for Citizen Empowerment and Translating Collective Awareness into Behavioural Change.
13- Digitalsocial.eu (https://digitalsocial.eu/) DSI4EU A platform to build a network of digital social innovation in Europe.
14- http://empatia-project.eu/ (http://empatia-project.eu/) Empatia A collaborative Platform for the management of Multi-channel Participatory Budgeting processes, adaptable to different social and institutional contexts.
15- hackAIR Project Announcement - hackAIR (http://hackair.eu/HackAIR) An open platform for air pollution monitoring.
16- Impact Assessment for Social Innovation (http://ia4si.eu/) IA4SI The Impact Assessment For Social Innovation project seeks to support and offer opportunities for knowledge exchange and synergies development to CAPs projects
17- MAKE-IT (http://make-it.io/) Make-IT A platform for Maker communities, the Maker movement - design globally, manufacture locally, connects citizens and professionals with digital manufacturing and communication technologies.
18- http://making-sense.eu/MakingSense (http://making-sense.eu/MakingSense) A project that explores how open source software, open source hardware, digital maker practices and open design can be effectively used to. engage citizens in science change
19- MAZI at the CAPS Community Workshop, Bratislava (http://mazizone.eu/MAZI) MAZI means together in Greek and the goal of MAZI is to provide technology and knowledge, a DIY networking toolkit for location-based collective awareness.
20- netCommons research project, which creates a methodology for studying, supporting and promoting community-based networking.
21- Nextleap. Next-generation decentralized, secure, privacy-enhanced protocols based on rights.
22- OPEN4CITIZENS Project (http://open4citizens.eu/) Open4Citizens using open data to design new citizens' services.
23- Project (https://edgeryders.eu/en/opencare/project) Opencare combines access to modern science and technology of state- and private sector-provided care to community-provided health care.
24- Project | P2Pvalue blog (https://p2pvalue.eu/project/) p2pvalue Impact Assessment Techno-social platform for sustainable models and value generation in commons-based peer production in the Future Internet for social innovation.
25- PIE News - The pie news project aims at improving living conditions for the “new poor” (http://pienews.eu/) PIENews Improving life conditions for precarious workers, people unprotected by safety nets, and young people who are no longer in the education system and experience difficulties in finding a job.
26- POWER h2020: project funded by the EU (http://www.power-h2020.eu/) POWER A socio-technical approach to mobilise local water action.
27- PROFIT Needs You! - PROFIT project (http://projectprofit.eu/PROFIT) Promotes Financial Awareness and Stability.
30- SavingFood in Caps Community Meeting and Workshop (http://www.savingfood.eu/Saving) Food 2.0 Tackles food waste through collaboration and online networks.
31- Home (http://scicafe2.reading.ac.uk/) SciCafe 2.0 is the European Observatory for crowd-sourcing
32- Social creative Intelligence Platform (http://www.socratic.eu/) Socratic is a Social Creative Intelligence Platform for achieving Global Sustainability Goals.
33- Stars4All aims to to encourage citizens to care and preserve the darkness of european skies.
34- USEMP The User Empowerment for Enhanced Online Presence Management project will develop a set of tools allowing users greater control over the personal data they share within the network while also providing them with tools to enable the use of their data by entities outside in the form of licensing agreements.
35- Web-COmmunities for Statistics for Social Innovation (http://www.webcosi.eu/) Web-Cosi Web Communities for Statistics for Social Innovation is a grassroots co-ordination action project aiming to improve the engagement of citizens with statistics of new measures of societal progress and well-being.
36- The Wikirate Project (http://wikirate.eu/) Wikirate Crowdsource Better Companies develops and maintains an open social networking system that allows Internet users to cooperatively create and share knowledge on company behaviour.
A last thing that I’d like to add is about a paper on collective intelligence that explains C.I through the genome concept. The Collective Intelligence Genome (http://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/the-collective-intelligence-genome/) In this paper the building blocks of C.I. systems are explained. To guide the reader through the process the authors use the questions Why. What, Who and How.
Happy reading.

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