RE: The Heart and Soul of the New Decentralized World

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The Heart and Soul of the New Decentralized World

in collectiveintelligence •  7 years ago  (edited)

Really this is a story about individual intelligence and how it fails us. It is hard to say that individual intelligence is at fault when it is all we know. When you only have one option, the option your ancestors had and the only option you have ever had, how can you say it is not the best one?

If you accept that human intelligence operates on logic, then the very first thing that must be acknowledged is that no one individual has possession of the “whole” of human logic or another way to look at it would be to say they have not applied the whole of human logic to all disciplines or one specific area of interest. No one is God.

This is where “Authority” arises. The authority is the person perceived to have the greatest application of human logic in an area of knowledge. The authority is the person whose conclusions are or appear to be, the most sound. They may also be an administrator with talent in managing persons with “expertise” hence you have the “ruler” \ “authority”

This is about the “process” in the application of human logic and how the dots are connected to get from A to B. in the formulation of conclusions. It can also represent the conclusions reached along the way. It can be open ended.

The problem; 1. humans are only human. 2. the environment of chaos within the realm of human knowledge and the application of human logic, the rate of errors and how this creates a competitive, survival atmosphere.

Concerning no. 1 humans are only individuals, we all have individual failings,

Concerning no. 2 We must in many ways navigated this crazy world by ourselves. The “self” is very important. We are individual centers of intelligence. We must be self sufficient or in many ways apply logic as individuals

Concerning no. 2 Some “bad people” take advantage of the chaos of human knowledge and the application of human logic for their own wants and needs. They game the system not concerned how it will affect others.

If you consider all this to be true then the “bad guys” are really not the issue. The issue is the application of human logic within human areas of knowledge. The issue is about the chaos within the system and the rate of errors.

Technology of itself will not change this. Cell phones and social media have not made us “better” or more “loving”. It you looked at the world today there is as much turmoil and conflict as there has ever been.

What technology has done for us is altered the time and space dynamics. We can communicate with others across great spaces in short amounts of time and those thoughts and conversations can be saved through time for all to see.

The answer is that he who has the most effective and efficient application of human logic (with less errors or fallacies) and the more sound “conclusions” within an area of human knowledge will be the “authority”. Authority in today’s world may only give the perception of doing so to advance.

Even though no one “individual” has it all. The same cannot be said about “all” of humanity. We all of humanity do possess it “all”. We humanity possess the entirety of human logic.

The first step would be that the “authority” to moderate the “process” must be withheld from the “authorities” and the “individual”

Since the application of logic within the process is the valued attribute, this must still be accomplished.

Technology will facilitate this application if a different manner than any individual would. That is what technology has or will do for us.

Technology will allow “human logic” as applied collectively to be the moderator between us all in the application of our shared contributions.

No individual will obtain “individual power” form the shared process.

In summary, we humanity using technology can pool our individual, logical minds to greater effect and more efficiently as logic becomes the moderator outside of individual “authority” and moderation. No longer will individuals oversee the application of human logic. Individual authority becomes less relevant. Individual authority will become second tier. This would be a big power shift. Authority would be decentralized.

Decentralized power dynamics.

At least this is the way I see it, What I "think" for what that's worth

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You should publish that as an article.


I'll need to read this again, you packed a LOT into this comment.

Great thoughts, that I will re-think, and re-concider.
