RE: The Heart and Soul of the New Decentralized World

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The Heart and Soul of the New Decentralized World

in collectiveintelligence •  7 years ago 

Hey don’t ever apologize, everything in it’s time. Don’t think you always have to reply.

I agree with you regarding religion. My wife goes to church and I don’t even really talk to her much about it.

Regarding Jung That really is interesting. I do feel like we are at one of those points. When one leader has the power to push, The Button, something is amiss. Peace for me will come when the notion of “authority” is transferred from individuals or groups of individuals to an Anonymous C.I. When “anonymous” humanity is logically reasoning, working through the issues, who are you going to blame?

Concerning peace, our animosity is so often aimed at those in “authority” or “power” when we collectively stand on that ground how will the dynamics of human relations change?

Concerning the propagandist, they are just individuals trying to package lies so they can manipulate us. They are still individuals or working under the direction of individuals though. How will they compete when we point out all the errors in their logic that made the propaganda “work” 20 min. after the story hits the wires. A C.I. will essentially neuter them.

I guess what I was trying to convey was that even in a strong family or tribal environment the members are still operating as individuals in the sense that they interject self-determination in to the beliefs and conclusions they form. The truth of this can be seen in societies that get kinda batty. Even if you sought the refuge of the wisest most empathetic individual, her or she is still an individual,

I hear what you are saying about the new generation. It makes you wonder where it goes from here. It is kinda sad really. I think there is a happiness survey they do so often. I remember the last time I saw it the happiest people were in the poorest countries with the strong family tie you had mentioned. I am 55 and the generation or two before me (my grandfather) were truly unique. Some of my relative had all these saying, I can’t remember any of them all I know is there were a lot of them and they would recite them often. I hope someone somewhere wrote them down.

Thanks for the info about the tags, those other sites are like wow! Amazing how they can put all that together. Thanks for the reply, Take Care

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