RE: The Heart and Soul of the New Decentralized World

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The Heart and Soul of the New Decentralized World

in collectiveintelligence •  7 years ago  (edited)

It’s funny how you can reread something you wrote and see it in an different light. I did not mean to associate Jung with religion. What I was trying to say is even though I believe religion to be bogus. There are things in the world we do not understand and I would think it more likely than not, that we have connections to one another and abilities we do not understand. I really do not know much about Jung though I did have a psychology class and I thought he was one of the most interesting. What I believe is that man from the beginning had the need to create perceptions with limited information quickly in order to survive. We also live in a world dominated by unique individuals, leaders. As far as propaganda goes. People really do seem easy to brainwash. Who knows what a person is really thinking and what their motives are. The individual possess a black box as far as thought processes go. What got me started on the C.I. track was a article I read a long time ago about a study at MIT. The researchers there put parties into a competition of reasoning. The first party was an individual with a high I.Q. somewhere in the mid 140’s. The second party was a group of 5 or 6 ordinary individuals who somehow reasoned together. The second group came out on top. It just got me thinking. Considering this, my view of C.I. is that it would be a form of A.I. or Perhaps you would call it a hybrid. I believe we need this to counter the actual 100% non-human A.I. Otherwise we might find ourselves disadvantaged. I hope they have not released anything into the wild. This is a headline I read today: Boston Dynamics To Produce 1,000 Robot Dogs Per Year By Mid-2019. Yikes!

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Sorry it took so long to get back to you… life, ya know?

I find it best not to discuss religion in a public forum, it’s just far too easy for it to become a highly charged subject for onlookers.

But, as far as Carl Jung's Collective Unconscious goes I find it a very interesting theory, and I’ve found it mentioned in many places over the years. The idea that there’s a vast repository of human ideas and thoughts is interesting to me, because from what I understand, there is the possibility for great human changes stemming from this Unconscious. There has been times in Human history that our old beliefs have been replaced with new beliefs in very short order as a tipping point is reached. I hope that maybe we will see this change come in relation to World Peace… Western man just has to get past the Propaganda of the Warmongers first… And, with so many now not trusting our elected Government and the Media, maybe the time is near?

As far as your idea that Man has been mostly living as individuals? I’d have to disagree. I think tribes and the family unit were much more important, pre-technology than they are today. In a lot of ways modern man is becoming much more isolated and detached from the society at large. I attended college at an advanced age, and just graduated a couple years ago. I found it sad to watch the kids spend so much time on their smart phones. They’d get out of class and immediately bury they faces in their phones, totally ignoring each other. College in my estimation should be a time to socialize and network with others for the future. But, it’s not just college kids. Watch people anywhere and the smart phone is ubiquitous. We are cutting ourselves off from direct human contact with our technology… yeah sure we are talking to other people, but the social interaction is very different. We can’t read their body language, we can’t tell the truth of the words and the quality of their laughter in the same way as face-to-face. And, if we don’t like what the other person is saying… we can just hang up… or stop texting… there’s no need to socially extract ourselves from direct human conflict, or even stronger emotions.

Does Technology connect people? Of course it does. Especially over long distances and from disparate populations. This conversation wouldn’t be possible without technology and there is much to benefit from these conversations. Is it possible to spawn large scale human movements for good with technology, of course. But, it is probably easier to control large populations by those in power using technology… i.e. propaganda. That’s already been said by Noam Chomsky,

Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the [U.S.] media.

Add Technology and all the different platforms available to those in power, and the propagandists are now in near total and complete control, and they want to severely hobble and gag the Alternative Press. The pressure to censor the Internet is building rapidly and soon the independent press will be only found by very diligent searches. Few citizens will be able to find ‘news’ outside the Corporate controlled MSM very soon… the pieces are already in place for this to happen… the Internet will become censored more and more, as those in control think they can get away with it without raising the alarm of those with voices to speak and who are paying attention. A lot of it will be done by denying the bandwidth necessary to find and access those sites.

Of topic, I have something I’d like to say that may help you gain more attention on the Steemit platform. When I came here a couple months ago, from another blog site that is now defunct, I studied hard to figure this place out. I still have a long way to go, but one thing I learned quickly was how important the use of Tags are. I studied the tags used in the articles of those that I wanted to read my articles, and I copied and pasted those tags into my articles. The first tag I use is the most important as it reaches the widest audience through its power to post to the pages I wanted to be read on. I had to give up the tags that were important to me, and use the ones that were already existing. Here is the page of Tags, pursue the tags there and look for the ones that have the most people posting to them… that’s where you want to be, if you want to be read…

Here’s couple other resources you may find of use… steemd and steemdb. Just copy and paste your blog avatar name in place of mine and you’ll see the info relating to your blog. I use it all the time… especially to know how much power my votes have…

Hey don’t ever apologize, everything in it’s time. Don’t think you always have to reply.

I agree with you regarding religion. My wife goes to church and I don’t even really talk to her much about it.

Regarding Jung That really is interesting. I do feel like we are at one of those points. When one leader has the power to push, The Button, something is amiss. Peace for me will come when the notion of “authority” is transferred from individuals or groups of individuals to an Anonymous C.I. When “anonymous” humanity is logically reasoning, working through the issues, who are you going to blame?

Concerning peace, our animosity is so often aimed at those in “authority” or “power” when we collectively stand on that ground how will the dynamics of human relations change?

Concerning the propagandist, they are just individuals trying to package lies so they can manipulate us. They are still individuals or working under the direction of individuals though. How will they compete when we point out all the errors in their logic that made the propaganda “work” 20 min. after the story hits the wires. A C.I. will essentially neuter them.

I guess what I was trying to convey was that even in a strong family or tribal environment the members are still operating as individuals in the sense that they interject self-determination in to the beliefs and conclusions they form. The truth of this can be seen in societies that get kinda batty. Even if you sought the refuge of the wisest most empathetic individual, her or she is still an individual,

I hear what you are saying about the new generation. It makes you wonder where it goes from here. It is kinda sad really. I think there is a happiness survey they do so often. I remember the last time I saw it the happiest people were in the poorest countries with the strong family tie you had mentioned. I am 55 and the generation or two before me (my grandfather) were truly unique. Some of my relative had all these saying, I can’t remember any of them all I know is there were a lot of them and they would recite them often. I hope someone somewhere wrote them down.

Thanks for the info about the tags, those other sites are like wow! Amazing how they can put all that together. Thanks for the reply, Take Care