I've been using the word "leftist" as the butt of my criticisms too often.

in collectivism •  2 years ago 


I am going to point a harsh criticism at myself and vow to make an attempt to adjust my choices of words.

I've been using the word "leftist" as the butt of my criticisms too often.

Now, there are reasons that I do regard that as somewhat valid. I made the deliberate decision to use that word in order to differentiate it from "liberal." It's also just quicker than using terms like "illiberal left" or the like.

That said, I can and probably have created false impressions and blind spots. There's a left and right wing brand of collectivism and, let's be real, collectivism is what we've really gotta be fighting.

What is true is that, on a lot of major issues, the collectivists on the left have a significant amount of power, influence, and popularity. That's why, when collectivists on the left call people on the right who are anti-immigration "racist" and then, the moment we're having an influx of Cuban immigrants who mostly vote Republican coming in the collectivist leftists start demanding we turn them away and let them drown, I point out that hypocrisy. What I fail to do enough is point out that collectivists on the right would do the same thing when they're in power.

That said, it's not like I have consistently failed to make clarifications. I've pointed out that the collectivist left's push to blacklist people for their opinions, dig into people's pasts, and find people guilty by association has been historically used by the collectivist right. The moment the collectivist right regains cultural power and starts to behave the same way, I'll attack them.

There is also a problem with the fact that there's nothing new with attacking the collectivist right. The collectivist right is basically Hitler and Mussolini. There's nothing bold or interesting in condemning skin heads. If somebody posted a video denying the Holocaust on youtube, that would definitely be taken down, I actually tested youtube on that; but, denial of the millions of people killed in the Gulags or Mao's famine is shared openly - I know that because I've subjected myself to years of following Being Liberal and Democratic Socialism Now. If you're caught in a photo wearing a Col. Klink costume decades ago, you're in danger of losing your job. People can wear the hammer and sickle and make multi-million dollar movies celebrating Che without any backlash.

If we're supposed to "punch up" and speak truth to power, we have to address the double standard. It's not good to pretend that the collectivist right no longer exists and that is filled with bad people. Still, not many people are denying that. The thing is that not many people are denying that the collectivist left exists either; but, there are more people who openly embrace the collectivist left, deny that it's full of bad people, and will even apologize for mass murder in order to defend it and they do so with impunity.

Yes, I will make an effort to be better with my words and remind people that collectivism is bad from every angle. Still, can people stop pretending that evil becomes good when it's their side doing it?

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