Pay Your Own Debts College Grads

in college •  2 years ago  (edited)

The question none of these self-serving sycophants ask is what is the precedent for forgiving your debt? What is preventing the same consideration from being applied to trade school debt, occupational licensing debt, car loan debt, mortgage debt, tax debt and credit card debt? Me thinks they just want special privileges and special treatment from the government and time will tell if this is true. The first five things listed are investments like college, have lower ROI than four year degree, and yet no one is clamoring to wipe out this debt. The last two are especially precarious because they are mostly imposed on the cash poor yet no one is clamoring for widespread debt forgiveness. Shitlibs like to tout the $1.7 trillion as if its some incomprehensibly large number even though it's dwarfed by mortgage debt ($12 trillion) and isn't much more than car loan debt ($1.4 trillion). If Votech students and people who get an occupational license have to pay their dues so should college students. You signed the loan, you agreed to the terms, no one forced you to do this: pay your debts.

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absolutely correct. I say this as someone who took out education loans and realizes how evil they are.