How Do I Explain Why I’m Not Submitting Test Scores to Colleges?

How Do I Explain Why I’m Not Submitting Test Scores to Colleges?.png

One of the colleges I'm applying to wants test-optional students to submit a statement about why they are applying test optional. For me it's because I only had a chance to test once due to COVID-19 and those scores weren't good, and then the pandemic arrived. But I think they're going to wonder why that one sitting was bad. What should I say in this statement?

"The Dean" is irked by colleges that aren't demanding test scores this year and yet still expect applicants to explain why they're not submitting them. So if the application hasn't required you to say that you did test that one time, you can simply say:

"My intended test dates last spring and summer were canceled, and the closest test site I could find was in a state several hours from home. My school counselor is adamant that students should not travel for tests and that colleges with test-optional policies won't penalize those who apply test-optional."

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