Hello!! family today I bring you a very rich recipe to make at home when we want a different and delicious lunch or meal
the materials that we will hesitate to:
-The tacos where we will put our ingredients
-1 tomato (can be medium if it is a personal portion)
-1 onion (can be medium if it is a personal portion)
- An avocado or a piece (to make the guacamole)
-Half lemon (it can be more and depends on the taste of each person, the lemon is to mix it with the avocado)
-Salt, pepper and the spice that you like the most (I added oregano)
-Half cup of tomato sauce (the amount depends on how much meat you prepare)
-Lettuce and corn kernels (this is optional, it was what I used to complement my taco
-Oil or butter
- Nachos (this is also optional)
-Ground meat (the amount they want)
1 We are going to start by chopping the onion and putting it with oil or butter to cook; in my case I use olive oil.
2 After the onion takes on a darker color, we are going to chop the tomato and we can put it in the pan so that they cook together. then we will add the ground meat and let it cook over medium heat; if it gets too dry add 3 tablespoons of water. When the meat acquires a brown color, add the spices, salt to taste and tomato sauce and mix it well and let it cook for 7 minutes so that everything is integrated very well.
3 After the meat is done we go on to make the guacamole, crush the avocado, squeeze the lemon and stir it. We take out our tacos and nacchos
4 when we finish the guacamole we spread it as a base on our tacos.
5 When we finish the base we can add a little cheese, the meat that they prepared previously, corn kernels, if they have lettuce wash it and cut it. (in this step they simply have to serve whatever they want to add to their taco and the meat they prepared, if they have nachos they can serve it all together)