Health benefits of cranberries

in colorchallenge •  8 years ago 

Cranberries are yummy and tastes great on a salad. They are also very healthy and have many health benefits. Here are some of the benefits listed below:

  • Treats urinary tract infections 
  • Helps with kidney problems 
  • Fights cancer 
  • It's full of vitamin C
  • Helps to lower bad cholesterol 
  • Helps in preventing dental problems 
  • Helps to improve mental health 
  • Helps to strengthen your immune system 
  • Contains anti- aging properties 
  • Fights heart diseases 
  • Relieves skin conditions   

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I love blueberries are very rich and now I know that son very good for health too. Thanks for the information health of Venezuela

Thanks for the comment @raymond1

ami me encantan los arándanos son muy ricos y ahora se que son muy buenos para la salud también . gracias por la información saludos desde Venezuela

thanks for the information , just bought a package of them yesterday.

It's a pleasure :) Thanks for the comment @sandcommander
Enjoy the cranberries!