Color Challenge Wednesday Yellow (Submission #2, Goldenrod and Fleabane)

in colorchallenge •  8 years ago 

Yellow. I am obsessed! It's one of the things I love most about September.

Goldenrod used to line the courtyards of kings - until it escaped cultivation, and peasants had it, too.

Goldenrod is unjustly blamed for allergy symptoms when the culprit is ragweed.

The white flower with the yellow center is fleabane, native to the Midwest, widely regarded as a weed.

Goldenrod and Fleabane, you deserve a better reputation.

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Is fleabane a thing? I may have to include it in my faery story. 😃


Hello, @ionlysaymeep. I wondered the same thing.

YES!! "Daisy fleabane, like other fleabane wildflowers, derives its common name from the superstition that dried clusters of these plants could be used to rid a dwelling of fleas."

Ethnobotanic: The Cherokee and other Native American tribes used Philadelphia fleabane for a variety of medicinal purposes including epilepsy. A poultice was made from the plant to treat headaches. The roots were either made into tea or chewed to treat colds and coughs.

Fleabane around my house is a beautiful, ethereal lavender color.

I just enjoyed a steaming mug of goldenrod tea tonight. The cup is still sitting next to my laptop. :-)