Monday Red *Frisbee!* Color Challenge

in colorchallenge •  7 years ago  (edited)

"The best toy you can get your dog is another dog," I said 17 years ago when we bought Blaise's littermate, his sister Bailey, to keep him company.

"One would have been enough," husband said over the years. He never did feel the love for Bailey. The two dogs played with each other, endlessly, but rarely played with us. How could we compete with another dog? All the kong toys and frisbees went into storage.

Blaise and Bailey died of old age.

It took some time to find another collie. "Get two," daughter said. Husband prevailed: we got one.

A year later, I had lost ten pounds throwing that Frisbee around and tug-of-warring (I always lost) to get it back. (Yes, @bex-dk, I read all the links you sent on dog training, and I bought a clicker, and a mat, and never got my act together.)

Then we found a little rescue dog named Bear.

"Two collies could be twice the trouble of one" - or less than half the work.

From Day One, Prince yielded his "Precious" to little Bear, taught him tug of war, taught him everything Bear now knows.

I can no longer imagine one without the other. Or a Collie without his Frisbee. (We now have three because one or two perpetually go missing.)

The only drawback to Dog #2: I gained back those ten pounds I had lost.

Prince was quite a work out for me. The treadmill just can't compete.

Bailey (left), Blaise (right), drawn in chalk pastel by husband Tim
(All our Collies prefer snow to summer weather)
O Blaise! O Bailey!

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Good effort of you.

I love the stories you tell with these.

I like this different style post. Also those are great looking dogs there.