Mango Tree in Spring Bangkok Thailand colorchallenge thursdaygreen

in colorchallenge •  7 years ago  (edited)

This is part of a large mango tree I see from my balcony. It is usually plain green, but for a few days this spring it was very exciting!

Mango tree in spring bangkok thailand color challenge green fitinfun.jpg

These new leaves and growth came on quick and made a nice display for a few days. Now it is back to one color, so I’m glad I noticed it when it was having fun.

This is my entry for colorchallenge thursdaygreen by @kalemandra. Maybe you have something green you can enter as well.

Sharon fitinfun before after.jpg

Losing weight was the best thing that ever happened to me. Anyone can get over obesity and live their dreams if I did.

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Hey Sharon. I don't know what I'm doing yet, but I'm on here! LOL

Hey! Glad to see you! I will go right over there now!

thats beautiful!

Very nice

This is beautiful dear