RE: Color Challenge - Thursday Green

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Color Challenge - Thursday Green

in colorchallenge •  7 years ago 


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Nice shot! Where are you now? Thanks for the dance.

You're very welcome - finally someone that can out dance me! I am still stuck in Calgary waiting on transmission shifter parts. Another week before hitting the open road. I hope your flights were smooth and niece is happy there.

A friend once told me "life is a beach" I have to agree. The ebb and flow of the tides, the constant change. Ride the wave my friend! Life is good! Head swimming with business decisions. Miss our chats. Hope to see you soon.

Email me your mexico email contact: [email protected]

Do you have any idea to visit Sri Lanka, a small island with lots of amazing places to visit! I hope you can't use your van to bring here :D Because we drive from Left side of the road :D If you and your family like to be here, I think I can facilitate it!


Extremely boring user name!

eh, sad ur not engaged! Get engaged, and thy shall be delivered. Just imagine if you would have followed' you would be rich. But no worries, rich is not a big deal. At lease what I can tell. I am RICH. TOO fucken' rich.

Glad you are back on Steemit.... let’s give away more Steem to help the homeless...

Hi. Looking for a travel agent. Needing to explore Belize and region. Will cover room and board etc. Canada winter 2018 - 2019. You available? Hope all is well with you and your family.

thanks for sharing your good news....and i am happy you again come back sir....