Colour Challenge: Dutch Mountains

in colorchallenge •  7 years ago  (edited)

As we don't have proper mountains here, we make do with clouds for looking at:

Olympus Stylus 1s, 95mm, ISO100, f5.6, 1/1600s

Olympus Stylus 1s, 75mm, ISO100, f8, 1/1000s

The Old Dutch Masters painted a lot of clouds; who am I to disagree?

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Very good photos I share with my followers, if you like the world of photography visit by my profile

Cool clouds they do have a mountain look to them

have a great day

oh man! You had me confused for a second with the title. :) Nice idea, i love a good cloud pic!

I stole the title from this weird song:

I'm just relieved they weren't singing in Dutch. I don't know why its always sounded weird to me. I was raised outside of holland and my parents never played dutch music so I guess im not used to hearing it, but it all just sounds like folk music to me.

Folk music? Maybe you heard the wrong songs. This is what I grew up with.

ha ha ok yeah i never heard music like that, but then I only ever heard dutch singing on tv when we went back to visit relatives, and it always seemed to be singers my mother remembered form her youth.. in the 50s and 60s.. :)

This deserves recognition.

Ha ha! When I read the title I thought I must have had gaping holes in my geographical knowledge. Nice mountains!

I stole the title from this weird song:

The first time I saw real mountains in the distance I had a hard time convincing myself that they weren't clouds! Clouds make good mountains for us flat landers!

And they keep the view to the horizon open, not something all countries can say.