ColorChallenge – SaturdayIndigo. 📷 A beast in my neighborhood...

in colorchallenge •  8 years ago  (edited)


He lives next door to me.



This picture was taken by @onealfa on Aug 26, 2017
If you like my pics, check my blog @onealfa . There are some more ...

Olympus E-M1 MarkII + Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED MACRO 60mm F/2.8
No tripod (handheld), direct sunlight, 1/30 sec, F/8.0 , ISO-3200

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Eyes never lie. Very interesting eye texture

great post, upvoted & resteemed , cheers!

Thanks for your resteem , @steemitlietuva . My "click" in return.

It looks dangerous. Resteemed.

Thanks for your resteem , @yaanivapeji .

awesome, upvoted and resteemed

Thanks for your resteem , @atechforu . My "click" in return.

Wow...that is amazing clicks... by @onealfa

Upvoted and resteemed


Thanks for your resteem , @dinisanda

nice shot upvoted and resteemed, thanks for sharing

Thanks for your resteem , @maryambibi . My "click" in return.

That's a beast of a shot !!

One of the largest cats! Great photo!

Yes, sure it is gigantic.... sometimes looks quite dangerous..

wow awesome capture..
lovely cat

Nice to see these beautiful color. Thanks

I like it! nice post friend

I love cats and these photos are awesome @onealfa! :-D Upvoted.

It is staring at me o.O

what a beautiful animal!

This is AMAZING and I love its ingenuity.

Wow that's great
nicely captured

Wow those eyes are amazing.