Orangetuesday and Drown by Poor rich ones.

in colorchallenge •  7 years ago 


Shot these two a couple of days ago. Just 20-30 minutes before the sun set.


Today I want to share Drown by the norwegian poprock band Poor rich ones. This song is around 20 years old, but I think it is still a masterpiece. Check out the vocalist solo career by the name William Hut.

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Beautiful sunsets! The sun is fantastic with this orange color :)

Wonderful shots)

Your beautiful photography rally impressed me. I have fascinated seeing your creative photography during sunset.

Amazing sunset pictures! Very nice mood....

Great photography I like that 😻😻😻😻 sunset wooow

Excellent photos to see looks really mesmerising and beautiful :)

Nice photography!!
its cool!!

I appreciate your photography skills. Wonderful sunset pictures. .Great photography @solbadans

It is the best time to take a shot. Thanks for sharing...

  ·  7 years ago 

Awesome photography sir..
i really like this momment.
love forever...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Lovely Sun-set view with beautiful song!!
I most liked that moments when Sunset appeared, feeling so peaceful to see this images..

Yes another beautiful sunset post , keep it up mate xx

wawoow such an beautiful moment capture by you sir i really love sun set and you have got the talent to capture at the right time!

a sunset that every person in life wants to get their once i bet
and this photography is doing justice to the view @solbadans

Great work dear.. I just love the powerful red tones in the first one..

Keep it up man ! :)

Beautiful sun set!

Excellent photos

Incredible beauty of nature great shots you have snapped :)

Nice photography.Thanks a lot for sharing.