ColorChallange: Wednesday: green, Anahata

in colorchallenge •  7 years ago  (edited)

Emerald - the colour of light.

First thought for green is plants. Gotta love 'em.
They show us every kind of green! Pea green, moss green, lawn green, forest green, olive green, reseda green....

Brussel sprouts, garden cress, peas (artichoke), broccoli (fennel), courgette, garlic, lentils.

But in veil painting therapy (developed by Liane Collot d'Herbois) we come a movement of an emerald green, a thin, ultra light, transparent veil of darkness/atmosphere that dances around the light, the light that guides the incarnation of Consciousness. In this therapy we learn to understand illness and health in terms of colour and discover light and darkness are spiritual entities. Much more on this upon request.

In the theory on the chakras the Anahata or Heart Chakra is of this colour. It is here we awaken the quality of Divine Love. From this sacred place we are doing more the work of spirit than soul. Any kind of melodrama or pathos is not from the heart, but dregs of emotion concocted by the mind. Real Love is something other than anything you can think up in your head. You must feel it with a sereen and open heart.

At this centre we find the true secrets of regeneration and immunity. Here the entire personality is assembled (you are not who you think you are but what you feel).

Cold fear shrinks this chakra, warm forgiveness (also of oneself) relaxes it.

The sound "Yam" is the mantra you may want to chant gently when concentrating on this sanctum sanctorium in mildness and at peace with your self.

Keep on loving, dear folk!
Your Sukhasana Sister

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