Color Day #7 | Walking on the Leaf

in colorchallenge •  7 years ago  (edited)


CategoryNature photography
SettingISO 200 44 mm f/5.6 1/60 sec
CameraCanon EOS 1100D

It's a randomly picture I've chosen on my folder. I had no idea about the theme, what the next flower has to shared. I just wanna find out something green so I chose these one.

There's ants on the leaf. Their activity remind me about the peoples in Jakarta. Everyday they were through the crowded way, jostled each other for small space then they would arrived in the office on time. The difference with the ants is just, they were orderly and never been selfish.

I've ever seen the scenery about peoples who was pushed each other in the commuter line. When the train is arrived and the door is opened, the passengers who was waited for a long time push whoever in front of them and didn't care about peoples who would go forth. They shouldn't to be rush!

Gaasshh! I talk too much these time. Ahahaha... Enjoy my green...


CategoryNature photography
SettingISO 200 51 mm f/5.6 1/100 sec
CameraCanon EOS 1100D


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