in colorchallenge •  6 years ago 


@kalemandra hosts a daily color challenge. This is my entry for Sundays Violet. Spring flowers give me great delight, and so do these simple color challenges. I love seeing everyones entrys. So many talented photographers in this community.
All photos are my own, good bad or ugly.

Monday Red
Tuesday Orange
Wednesday Yellow
Thursday Green
Friday Blue
Saturday Indigo
Sunday Violet

alliance header.png

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it must have smelled so good when you took the photo :)
visiting you from the alliance :)

Hello family member. Thank you for coming by. I only wish I could of smelled this beautiful flower. I have had a horrible cold for a week now. :( It is getting better daily, thanks to the Silver solution I found in my medicine chest yesterday. I thought I was out! I've heard your name but haven't really followed. Today begins a new day. Thank you for your support.

I am sorry that you were sick and I am glad you found the silver. And you must have had a terrible cold since from what I remember, the scent of those little ones is very strong!!

My room mates turned me on to a nebulizer yesterday. I place the silver in that little gadget. It amazes me in how quickly results are acheived. I actually tasted my coffee this morning :) On the mend.

Oh, good to hear!!! Hopefully, you are back to normal quickly!! I love the power of silver. I scraped my arm yesterday and it hurt. so, I washed it, put silver on - and I was good to go!

all the best.