ColorChallenge: TuesdayOrange - NicrophorussteemCreated with Sketch.

in colorchallenge •  8 years ago 

This black beetle with orange stripes is a Nicrophorus, a sanitary inspector of the insect world. These beetles buried the dead animals, of course, not from altruistic considerations, but for the reproduction of their offspring, which does not detract from their merits.

Цей чорний жук з помаранчевими смужками - це жук-могильщик, санітар світу комах. Ці жуки закопують загиблих тваринок, звісно не з альтруїстських міркувань, а для розмноження свого потомства, що не применшує їх заслуг.

  Olympus OMD EM-5 (manual lans Helios 44-2), iso-100, 1/100c 

  Olympus OMD EM-5 (manual lans Helios 44-2), iso-100, 1/100c 

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Great post. I will share this with others who come to me asking about micro photography.

thank you!

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A beautiful beetle despite it's morbid life cycle :-)

That is a very orange colour! I don't think I have seen one..

Pretty contribution for the colorchalenge! Great that you spotted the little guy!