ColorChallenge - SundayPurple - Flower Senggani (Harendong) As Medicinal Plants

in colorchallenge •  7 years ago  (edited)


This wild flower plant in Indonesia commonly called by the name of senggani or harendong.
This plant is usually found in areas of swamp or forest.
Although including wild plants, but this plant has several health benefits.
Some diseases that can be overcome with this plant as quoted from the site

indigestion (dyspeptic), basiler dysentery, excessive menstrual blood, canker sores, uterine bleeding outside the time of menstruation, nosebleeds, dysentery (melena), bloody hemorrhoids, diarrhea, hepatitis , leucorrhoea, inflammation of the wall, blood vessels with blood clots in the tract (thromboangitis), cassava poisoning, drunk alcohol, breast milk is not fluid, water bowl, and also ulcers.


For more information on the benefits of this plant, you can visit the site source of the end of this post.



Tanaman bunga liar ini di Indonesia biasa disebut dengan nama senggani atau harendong.
Tanaman ini biasanya ditemukan di daerah rawa atau pun hutan.
Meskipun termasuk tanaman liar, namun tanaman ini memiliki beberapa manfaat bagi kesehatan.
Beberapa penyakit yang dapat diatasi dengan tanaman ini seperti dikutip dari situs antara lain :


gangguan pencernaan (dispepsi), disentri basiler, darah haid berlebihan, sariawan, perdarahan rahim diluar waktu haid, mimisan, berak darah (melena), wasir berdarah, diare, hepatitis, keputihan (leukorea), radang dinding, pembuluh darah yang disertai pembekuan darah didalam salurannya (tromboangitis), keracunan singkong, mabuk minuman keras, air susu ibu (ASI) tidak lancar, busung air, dan juga bisul.


Untuk informasi lebih lengkap mengenai manfaat tanaman ini, kalian bisa mengunjungi situs sumber diakhir postingan ini.

Thank you for visiting this post.
Regards @yuslindwi
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thx for sharing