Colour challenge Monday Red "Oh no i bought a damaged Rotary"

in colorchallengemondayred •  6 years ago  (edited)

So its my first post in months and although i have still been doing the usual #steemsilvergold stuff i decided i needed a new interest, I was looking for a project, something to get me out of the house and so i bought this, on paper its total madness, even in good condition these cars can expire and when they first came out i hated the shape, however im now finding beauty where i didn't before and i like a challenge so it was fitting that as it is red and also a challenge and its Monday and iv'e just finished removing the damaged wing and headlight it had to be a post for #colorchallengemondayred, that said peeling its outer skin i have uncovered a pandoras box of damage that will need to be rectified that said it was nice to get out and achieve something even though for now its 1 step forward three steps back.!

damage - Copy.jpg

I had to start somewhere so i removed the wing and headlamp, its a start \o/

wingless2 - Copy.jpg

So why am i doing this , i guess because of videos like these :)

This is the R3 version much newer

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Hope you have that baby zooming around in no time!

🚗 💨

Ty DF :) will do im sure \o/