#colourchallenge-wed-yellow / Happy Sunflower Motivational Art / Hosted@Kalemandra / The joy of the Lord is our strength! Be encouraged by what you have and not what you do not possess.

in colour-challenge •  8 years ago  (edited)

sunflower yellow main st.png

My own abstract sunflower digital art. Difficult not to smile when looking at this floral art. Subtle lines in the back ground create the form of the sunflower.

The mustard yellow and white frame finishes off the picture and shows it off at it's best. It draws the eye to the yellow centre of the art.

sunflower yellow.png

The small picture below is a closeup slice of the same art.

sunflower closeup slice.png!

image credit - my own art work.

thank you scroll hearts red.png

Diana at home (2).jpg


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