What colour is this object?

in colour-challenge •  8 years ago 

Of many philosophical debates, we do on @steemspeak radio, one of them is "What is Colors" and "What is Light". In that context; I would like to invite the rest of you to tell us what the color of this object is.

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Looks like you've already answered the question of "does it blend?

To answer your question: pink

Chewing-gum-coloured toothpaste color :D

It's gold...



It's black and blue.

Brain coloured!

Carnation pink?

Next debates theme will be "where are my money?" Or "what am i doing here?"

Pink. Kind of like the colour of this drink.

Source: wikipedia

es ist eindeutig "Schweinchenrosa"..!!!!

pink isn't a color, it's red and violet

Looks like pepto bismol to me..

Pink aura people are mentally free to explore new opportunities, concepts and realities. Their minds are functioning without any restrictions.
