Griby. Mushrooms

in colourfulphotography •  6 years ago 

Muhomor krasnij.JPG

Chto takoye mukhomor
Mukhomor krasnyy (lat. Amanita muscaria) – eto yadovityy psikhoaktivnyy grib roda Mukhomor, ili Amanita (lat. Amanita) poryadka agarikovykh (lat. Agaricales), otnositsya k bazidiomitsetam.

Mukhomor krasnyy ispol'zovalsya kak op'yanyayushcheye veshchestvo i enteogen v Sibiri i imel religioznoye znacheniye v mestnoy kul'ture.

Vo mnogikh yevropeyskikh yazykakh nazvaniye etogo griba proiskhodit ot starinnogo yego sposoba primeneniya — v kachestve sredstva protiv mukh (angl. fly agaric, nem. Fliegenpilz, fr. amanite tue-mouches), latinskiy vidovoy epitet tozhe proiskhodit ot slova «mukha» (lat. musca). V slavyanskikh yazykakh slovo «mukhomor» (pol'sk. muchomor, bolg. mukhomorka, chesh. muchomůrka i dr.)

What is a fly agaric
Amanita muscaria (lat. Amanita muscaria) is a poisonous psychoactive mushroom of the genus Amanita, or Amanita (lat. Amanita) of the order agaric (lat. Agaricales), refers to basidiomycetes.

Amanita muscaria was used as an intoxicating substance and entheogen in Siberia and had religious significance in the local culture.

In many European languages, the name of this mushroom comes from its old method of application - as a means against flies (English fly agaric, German. Fliegenpilz, fr. Amanite tue-mouches), the Latin specific epithet also comes from the word "fly" (lat. musca). In the Slavic languages ​​the word "mushroom" (Polish. Muchomor, Bulgarian. Fly agaric, Czech. Muchomůrka, etc.)

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