The TOP 5 Points Why Colour Control Automation is Needed in Offset Production

in colourmanagement •  3 years ago  (edited)


Handheld measurement, usually with a densitometer, is considered the absolute minimum for measuring production sheets at the machine console.

And even then, to make it practical you can only ever measure a few patches in the colour bar across the sheet as this is all time will allow in production. It becomes prohibitive to start measuring and checking each ink zone for all the quality essentials.

With increased production pressures from shorter job turnaround times, reduced Run lengths and higher colour quality expectations from brand customers it is just not achievable to measure the quality of solid primaries, overprints, grey balance and tonality across the width of a sheet. And then to translate that into adjustments and corrections to machine settings cannot be completed in a timely manner for production.

For good press side process control it is best to use auto scan measurement with closed loop control software.

The Top 5 Points for Using an Auto Scanning Spectrophotometer are:


Improvements in Accuracy & Consistency of Chroma

The Techkon SpectroDrive can provide density, Lab*, dot gain, grey balance information when used with Printflow DC closed loop control software or with Techkon Expresso 4. Suggested changes to reach minimum deltaE or target density are displayed.

The SpectroDrive hardware contains a unique spectral colour engine that provides complete consistency and accuracy of measurement every time. The instrument can even be quickly used as a handheld device for random and quick spot control. You can even spot measure a draw down and save that as a standard or target!

Production Time Savings and Reduced Materials Wastage

Jobs are increasingly becoming smaller; runs are being reduced meaning customers are demanding their ‘hard copy’ jobs with a ‘just in time’ policy. Reducing make ready and getting up to target colour is now crucial and a key part of being productive.

Auto scanning with the SpectroDrive enables you to dramatically reduce the aforementioned. Profitability can be improved with reductions in ink and paper wastage, giving you back valuable machine production time shift after shift, day after day.

Using the SpectroDrive with Printflow DC closed loop software brings a systematic approach to production, with data and predictable quality. Internally your operators, production & sales staff, together with management will appreciate the accuracy and consistency in quality.

Customers will like it too – no more surprises when they receive their finished job. Once the machine is calibrated to the correct metrics, G7 and ISO compliant quality can be easily accomplished. With valuable production time and materials saved the outlay in automated scanning and a closed loop control package provides a very quick ROI.

Scan a full-size sheet (1020mm or 40”) easily in under 10 seconds

Operating an offset machine requires the minders or operator’s full attention – there can be 45-50 things or more to think about, adjust, check, maintain from the beginning to the end of each job run. Many shops I have recently visited now only employ a single minder to run the press – no off sider or helper, no second operator – those days are finished...

The tasks and decisions of the press operator are time critical. Therein lies the benefits of the SpectroDrive auto scanning spectrophotometer – direct and easy operation, quick, accurate, correct and, very efficient.

The scanning head is motorized measuring the complete colour bar across a 1020mm sheet in seconds. Data is then transmitted wirelessly to the software. The operator can make a quick check and with a quick ‘click’ of one button send the ink zone correction data to the press.

Modernize your press

Are you struggling to keep with job demand and turn around? You can modernize your existing device, equipment and hardware by adding a SpectroDrive with a suitable closed loop control system.

Today’s business environment is ultra-competitive and auto control bar scanning with closed loop control can help you to close the gap. Gain more productivity out of your existing equipment without replacing and buying a new offset machine.

Improve staff morale by investing quality measurement hardware and software that provides a visual and measurable improvement to production quality and adds to your bottom line.

Re-run the customers job to the same targets, colour and quality as previously accepted

Many times we have been into large and small companies who say they do not have a problem, but when one of their customers asks them to re-run the same job from last week or last month they completely struggle to match or get near to the quality previously signed off.

A key part to overcoming this is using the SpectroDrive with Printflow DC where all jobs are saved and can be easily recalled enabling you to get up to quality and reproduce the job as before.

To find out more about the Techkon SpectroDrive, closed loop control & quality management in printing please contact us at [email protected]

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