According to Uncle Frank October 24th.

in column •  7 years ago 

People need heroes. Wether you like it or not, but the majority needs somebody to look up to. Americans get that. It's the pride they share, it's what they stand for, and they cherish them. Wether it's a black president or a white basketball player. Wether it's a real human or a drawn heroe. They have it, they own it, they want to be like it, it's what they need.
For example, take the flag. It has a freakin' name. It's called the star spangled banner. A flag that has a name. You don't just say, flag, you say, it's the fuckin' star spangled banner and you better show it some respect.
Captain America, man, that's what people need. A man in a tight suit, muscles all over wearing a shield with that start spangled banner on it. Ain't that great? I think so!
In Holland we don't have a name for our flag. It's red, white and blue. That's it. No name, no game.
What do we have? We have got the lion. The Duth lion.
Now tell me, how many fuckin' lions are there in Holland living wild and free?
I rest my case.

Uncle Frank Says;.png

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People need heroes because they are not doing what they suposed to do, taking responsibility. For me Heroes takes responsibility for actions that doesn't come from them. To sucrifice and take punshes for others is what makes you a heroe.

Interesting thought. To my opinion a hero is a person who is willing to sacrifice and showing the way by his actions. You see, everybody is searching for something that fits them ;)