Ultimate Zoo Battle, Round 26: Hippo vs. Rhino! VOTE NOW!

in comedy •  7 years ago 





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If that Damn Big Muscle HIPPO lost the battle that's what I am willing to see!


They are both about the same size and powerfully built. I'd love to watch t this fight. The Rhino's horn is deadly and with it he will severely wound and then kill the hippo.

A fact I seem to remember from my childhood is that hippos kill more humans than any other kind of animal (but maybe we were told this on school camps in South Africa to stop is wandering off downriver). They might look cute and blubbery, but they have huge teeth hiding in those jaws. Although I'm not sure their teeth would have much effect on a rhino's thick skin.

Alex - This time Rhino will win... It has brutal attacking power...


Does hippo mean they are fighting in 3 feet of water?

If any water is involved then for sure hippo.

Yes, the arena is flooded 3 feet deep.

Move! Hippo coming through!

Its like an unstopable force meets an immovable object. Its gonna be fun.

After looking at the picture, looking on google, it looks like it is a white rhino verses a black or Indian one, so that means it is a big beast, Slight weight and height advantage over the hippo, so will go for the Rhino. A full charge 5,100 pounds behind that horn, well that is a lot of force, could really mess up someones day.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Things are getting really difficult at this point. Hippos are very aggressive, but rhino 🦏 is sooo powerful. Rhino runs almost twice as fast as hippos and outweighs hippo as well. My bet is on rhino. Once rhino charges agains hippo with it’s weapon it’s over.

The hiccup is a very strong animal but its advantage is in the water, outside it is an easy prey we know that the rinó is not carnivorous, but the horn makes it a dress at the time of investing because it is my winner.
Sorry for you hiccup but it's the end of your story.
This is for you Sudan atte Your Primo.

I'm gonna go with the Hippo. They can be god damn killing machines.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment


I think the Rhino will win because it is a very strong and rough animal that you can give your good wallop to that hippopotamus and win easily.

Upps, this is gonna be a very tough fight.They are both same powerful.But I think the rhino has advantage here, so I vote for rhino here.But I won't be surprise if hippo will win.

Now...this is a match!! Rhino vrs Hippo is a tough match. The winner....well... It would depend on where they fought. On land, rhino is much quicker and faster, not to mention the horn. In the water a rhino would have no chance against the "river horse." Ask innumerable large crocodiles.I will side with the hippo. With its speed and huge muscles and weight, the rhino might not survive its aggression.

I think rhino with a horn has a edge over hippo in the duel..

As per zoology I think Rhino and hippo both belong to the class Mammalia except rhino is having a horn on the front..
Also they are herbivorous and ithink rihno is more powerful than hippo..
Any mistakes sorry..

Rhinoo the best, hippos do not move..

I'm with Rhino here, they look cooler lol

Most welcome @alexbeyman
Wow really amazing comedy.
I appreciate your post. I like this animals

Both are of comparable size and fierce when provoked. Both are armed well; hippos with tusk like teeth and Rhinos with Horns and a armour plated skin. I am no animal expert, but i would call this 50–50.

Push comes to shove, i would put money on the Rhino. They are prbly faster than hippos and the hippo will have some trouble breaking the rhinos hide. Whereas the Rhino might find it easier to put holes in a Hippo.
I wonder if there are any recorded cases of hippos vs Rhinos.

I am on the side Rhino..i think rhino will defeated hippo

I don't know why but i really like how the hippo looks i mean it's the clear example of huge power inside a fat body. Regards

I give it to it to the rhino, if it can off a camp fire then it will take of the hippo same way

Both are almost of same power and size .... but I think the horns of RHINO will give him an upper edge in this fight

Hippos reputation as a killer is far more known than a Rhino, even crocodiles give them a wide berth. However, it is worth noting this reputation is enhanced greatly by the Hippo`s incredibly poor temper and aggression. Rhinos on the other hand are generally extremely shy, and would rather stand its ground in a defensive posture rather than all out attack. Despite this, I believe the Rhino would wreck the Hippo

Rhino because horn.

My vote goes with rhino

Haha, I was surprised by the sight
Really funny thing

They are both massive in size and i think the deciding factor here will be the horn of Rhino

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

[-]gaintshoulder (50) · 12 days ago
Hahah... this is easy meal i tell you ferret against one of the deep blue beast, the great white shark. No beast like the shark in the sea, my vote is with the shark

Looks like you copied @gaintshoulder's comment from 12 days ago, not a very nice thing to do.

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