Ultimate Zoo Battle, Round Nine Result: Ferret is Victorious!

in comedy •  7 years ago 

An upset for some, but perhaps unsurprising for others: The ferret, a close relative of the mongoose, managed to kill the cobra. Where prior matches were determined entirely by strength, these two combatants were closely matched in that regard. So instead it came down to speed and aggression, and the ferret had the edge in both areas.

Stay Tuned for Round 10!

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Venom of Cobra didn't work against this small creature! That's amazing!


If i hadn't know the result would have plcaed my money on the cobra, but that's the thing with matches like this, you dont really know what comes out of it

Alex - If Ferret is a close relative of Mongoose, then it can win against Cobra... In my country a lot of Cobra vs Mongoose battles happen & in most cases Mongoose wins it...


I'm so good at predicting who is gonna lose and vote for them.
Yeah, I totally felt it coming, poor cobra.

Have to admit that Ferret won thanks to his skill. Deserves some praise.
One hit from cobra and he is done.

Sounds strange but true. Was surprised my self seeing it for the first time in a documentary where a mongoose killed and ate a cobra.

That was expected I guess just like Shark who is going to win tomorrow.

Oh no, I don't belive this.Really surpraized.What the hell just happend.Ferret defeat cobra, really unbeliveable.

OMG! a ferret defeat a cobra! Wow, what a battle!

What a surprise!. Now I look forward to the victory of the shark

Damn! Really??? How was that even possible? Speed and aggression you say? Oh my. Didn't see this coming . Well the match is ended and cobra is lying dead on the ground. The best animal has won so let's go into the next match

Congrats to ferret its surpriseing.😊

Like your post battle of animals and congrats to ferret .

Ohh i thought cobra win but ferret win it is shocking 😄

Wow surpriseing results ferret win congratulations to him and waiting for next round .😁

Great battle round surpriseing and interesting waiting for round 20 .

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I had been doing well in this on guessing the right answer, I was worried about this one, But my logic prevailed.
Enjoying this contest, even tho it does take time and a need to return to carry on.....

That's a nice surprise, I didn't know ferrets strength :)

Yeah my prediction was right, it was more than a prediction, it was so certain and I knew ferret would win accord to my research.

this was one of the closest fights we have so far
really an upset
Ferret will be mhch more happy

yeah great, congratulations to ferret, let's begin round 20 😀

I thought would win the cobra, hahaha.

The shark will win the next one, that puppy of water will not support it against the great shark.

congratulations to the huron

Many many Congratulation to Ferret.
congrats (1).jpg

Cobra is too slow & too dumb for Ferret that's i voted for Ferret.

Congratulation to the Ferret.

I knew Ferret will win because i voted for Ferret.

I knew from youtube and tv and long mammals kill long sneks.

Wow, I had rooted my vote for the ferret. That little guy and mongoose are some piece of fearless predators never match.

Well that's surprising. I don't believe it, how the hell.
Anyways what's done is done. Looking forward to the next match

Yes sir @alex. I am forget tomorrow. Farret is the win. ferret will bite the tail and cobra eyes


Can't believe cobra was defeated.

So ultimately aggression prevails and cobra got killed.

So ultimately aggression prevails and cobra got killed.

I think the table I was doing is getting to long, so I am now back to just slightly over .500 % wins, 4 loses. Them there ferrets are might quick little fella's.

This is really shocking. Ferret has the victory, my prediction is low

Well...that was a surprise
I just felt sorry for the ferret when i saw the next crossing

On LHS elephant will be the finalist..but the RHS fight is not balanced there are many sea animals how will a Dolphin fight with a wolf but undoubtedly human will be the finalist if BEAR GRYLLS will fight from our side

The cobra is certainly stealth and brash, and certainly moving on the floor, it's surprising that the ferret still had the edge over this silky animal, congratulations ferret.

This fight was fair and square. I missed this one. Even though I voted for cobra 🐍, I had my doubts to be honest. I thought ferret is not related to mongoose known for eating cobras for a breakfast 🥞 . I was wrong. It was a right decision! It’s gonna get even tougher.

Hugeee upset. The ferret probably cheated

Wow! The results are surprising. But no matter, ferret also has sharp teeth and a lively body.

Great post!!!!!!!
So who ends up been the great champion

I thought the Cobra was going to be fast enough to bite the ferret and kill it.

I had been doing well in this on guessing the right answer, I was worried about this one, But my logic prevailed :) Enjoying this contest, even tho it does take time and a need to return to carry on.

Finally my one guess comes true. Congrats Ferret.