Suicide Of The Year!!

in comedy •  8 years ago 

A couple decides to commit suicide after going through a really hard tough time in life.
So they both decided to jump off a 20 storey building. When they got to the top most floor, they both agreed to count 1-3 and jump.
On the 3rd count, the woman jumped but the man stayed. As the man watched the woman fall, he saw the woman pulling out a parachute to land safely.
Question - who betrayed who?
The man or the woman?😀😀😀
Justify ur answer.

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They both betrayed each other and that's the crux isn't it? We're all human and you can't really blame us (or anyone) for being that way, whether it's selfishness, sexual desire, a vice, or the will to survive. Might as well just try to love each other (have compassion) and make the best of it. (My hippie side coming out)