I am a virgin and I tell you my story

in comedy •  7 years ago 

Anyway, I start:

As the title says, I am an average virgin (I mean, I do not have sex in The Sims). I have more than 20 years and not only never made my debut, but I did not even kiss! Yes I know...


How is it possible that there is someone like that? Why is not level 100 in all RPG games?

Each person is a world so I will not put myself to justify others, I will only tell you my story from the beginning. And I'm not level 100 because I do not have the right weight.

My story begins when I was 14 years old, at that age I liked some schoolmates and I decided to face them. They were very cute, skinny girls, typical of the classroom that all classmates like.

At that time, I, for some reason that today I can not understand, probably because of stupidity (age) I took to face them (I had never faced anyone until then), hoping that if one of them rejected me, faced the other, and if that also rejected me faced another, and if that ...

Well, I'm clear. The point is that there were four girls, very cute (one more beautiful than the other) that I faced, in a period of time not very long (it was all within the same year, in ninth grade). And what do you think? ALL OF THEM REJECTED ME (and I clarify that at that time I did not have so many video games)

At that time I came up with the only reasonable explanation for all that:


After that I got a terrible youthful depression and decided to take a break, with the idea of trying my luck with other girls later on, while I was recovering from the pain that such rejection had caused me.

Then, at 15, I changed schools, because my parents had to move for work, and in that other school I liked another girl soon after I started. I pause in this part: maybe when you read this you're thinking "Uh, you're a desperate, sure you missed the September Without Fap"

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In that case, I'll clarify that you do not. He was just one of those who "fell in love" with one and had eyes for that nothing else. Later, with the passage of time, I realized that it was not really love, I just liked them, but nothing else.

Anyway, I cut the story short: in the 3 years of school I did (after that I graduated) I was just encouraged to talk to him a couple of times, and he barely paid attention to me that couple of times I tried, so it was Obviously he did not want to know anything with me.

And do not I focus on other girls?

No, and there is also an explanation for that, but do you want to know the terrifying truth or do you want to see me score some home runs?


Nahh, the thing was like this: I did not do it because after the 4 rejections almost followed, my luck did not improve, on the contrary. To give you an idea, there were girls who made fun of me for being ugly (yes, I know, it's the saddest thing there is). Even girls in the street passed in front of me and laughed at me in my face (and it's true, it's not that I was a persecuted person who thought it was that way and nothing to see).

For all that I felt horrible, not ugly, HORRIBLE. And obviously, all this discouraged me little by little to try to get closer to women, until I got used to the idea that I would not have a girlfriend soon and then I stayed calm, hoping that someday it would happen alone ( thing that still does not happen today)

Because aside not even really bothers me so much not have had a girlfriend, what really bothers me is that I have not had a miserable kiss or anything. I find it hard to believe that in all this time, being full of girls everywhere, I have not met anyone yet. I mean, I'll be ugly, nerdy, everything you want, but I'm not the only one. There is every greasy man with the face of a wildcat hit by a car who has had more love life than me (which is not exactly very difficult).

I stayed calm, ok, I accept that, but how the hell I'm not going to lower my arms if more and more women plunged me?

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I'm going to try to disprove a couple of things I've heard:

  1. "THE ONE WHO DOES NOT CATCH TODAY IS WHY HE DOES NOT WANT" FALSE. There are many that we want but we can not because nobody pays attention to us. It is true that many "free women", but these do not cling to any man who crosses them in front. They cling to anyone WHO LIKES. In other words, wildcat, if you do not like them, no matter how much the girl is thrown, I doubt she will listen to you. The girls cling to anyone who seems cute, but not to any catfish. I think it's also a matter of bad luck too. I still was not given but I have a friend who was MUCH MORE NERD than me (even more nerd than any anonymous blogger whose worst nightmare is September without fap) and yet debuted, so I say, some just so far Maybe it's just that we had bad luck.
  2. "IT IS A MATTER OF ATTITUDE" FALSE, although not entirely. It's a matter of attitude, but with the attitude alone you do not get anywhere. To the girls a little physically you have to like them. If you seem totally repulsive in that aspect, keep trying.

In any case, being fair: too many should not be as upset to be a virgin as they say it bothers them. I have seen many who complain about this but do nothing to stop being it, and if they do not do anything and can do it, it is because they really do not want to and obviously do not bother them as much as they say.

In fact, just this year I began to worry about my virginity, because one thing is to be a virgin with 18, 19 years old and the other is to be a virgin with more than 20. From then on I think that the more idiotic you start to feel and that makes it more complicated for you to get someone to release you (that and in my case other things more like being ugly, missing experience, etc.).

Why do not I worry before?

Because it really did not bother me so much to be a virgin. It bothered me more than anything when I listened to my friends talk about some of their "adventures" and see them with girlfriends while I did not catch a cold, but it was more a matter of feeling less than because it really bothered me. In fact neither did anyone bother me because of that (now they do not either).

The truth is that I get used to continue like this, because life goes on, and the truth is that it bothers you more not to have sex when it's been a long time since you last put it on, that I never put it on, maybe because I (as that all the other virgins) I do not know that I'm really losing. Maybe sex is overrated, maybe not, maybe it's a matter of taste ... I do not know.

I only know that you will not die for being a virgin (I have 2# and I'm still alive and kicking). You're not going to live constantly depressed about it either (I do not do it, it bothers me obviously, but as I said even now that it really started to bother me, I got depressed for that)

What did I do in all this time until now?


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Seriously, I finish school, I study, I go to university, I work from time to time and in my spare time I play video games (now not so much anymore), I watch series and things like that.


I have 2 #, I am more virgo than a boy born in September without fap, I did not even give my first kiss and the worst thing is that only now I started to worry about all this because until now I really liked my life (partly because I was used to it), but I realized that my time is passing, I feel a terrible asshole and I worry about the negative effects that this can bring me in the long term (although on the other hand, if I continue like this I will increase my karma in life)
I will try to meet some girls later, or if option "b" is not always, which I consider simpler, which is ... well ... you know.


Do not forget to rate, follow and laugh at my misfortunes, jajajajajajaja

esto es una recreacion.png

This is a recreation never happened


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