In the UK, this comedienne would be in danger!

in comedy •  7 years ago  (edited)

Last week I attended a protest in support of Count Dacula who got fined and criminalised for a joke!!

Although I didn’t really find it funny, I thought fining him and labelling him a criminal just went a bit too far.

But surely he didn’t go as far as Michelle Wolf who gets away with much more in this clip.

When she gets shunned by anything mainstream, and is forced to come on Steemit, I will send her all the rewards of this post. I thought she was pretty good.

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Interesting what is happening with comedy in Europe and Canada for example and I learn a lot about all of that from Louder With Crowder and the @HodgeTwins too.

I think its sad times the freedom of speech is slowly going. Yet people are not realising. I don't agree with a lot people say but they have the right to say it if they think it. Maybe they should be considerate of people they might offend but to be charged wow thats a dictatorship kinda thing ummm! 💯🐒

Hey @dannyshine drop me a line I have a proposal for you, thanks 💯🐒

Email me at [email protected]

Great will do thanks 💯🐒

what is scary is how this case rested entirely on prosecution and judge abandoning any real grip on reality and insisting on the pretense that this was not a clumsy joke - but a real plan to "gas jews"
the tragic irony is that you would have to go back to germany in the thirties to see the legal profession quite so enthusiastically supporting such a crazy delusion..

Your right its like everything is going backwards and more limited. And the sheep just lap it up quoting the BBC word for word and not having any though or judgment for themselves. Either out of fear or pure brainwashing we have a lot of work to do 💯🐒

Yeah, they would probably 'suicide her' and make up a story that the Russians did it!

God bless UK and god save them from this comedian.

Wow, this girl has a LOT of 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 going on! I have no idea who the fuck most of the people are that she's talking about, but sheesh, she is fierce and fearless! Gotta love that 😁 I'll definitely be checking out more of her work. Hope they don't assassinate her before she has the chance to roast a ton more people. Having the balls to burn that woman to her face is a quality we could all aspire to...xx

she was OK.. her final request to the press is what was most positively heroic..
but see "Sarah Silverman on the Holocaust" on youtube - for a more mind-blowing humour in the spirit of the Count Daculas poorly executed joke - but infinitely better..

for a number of reasons count dacula was not very funny - he relied on a dog instead of a cat (which are inherently more beautiful and ridiculous pets).. and the "gas the jews" instruction altho epitomizing the most outrageous thing anyone could say, did not work well cos he failed to hook it into any other live character on the screen..
of course all of that is now entirely irrelevant cos of the alice in wonderland response where now exploring this taboo has apparently been made totally illegal by anyone who is not already a well known celebrity or does not have access to a to well payed lawyer.. we now live in a very scary world where it is illegal to joke about gassing the jews while at the same time the tyrant who commits almost identical crimes in north Korea has the red carpet laid out for him .. and (as i am always pointing out) many people are celebrating the birth of a royal who is only so special because he is descended from the man who gave a knighthood to the UK civil servant who voluntarily handed jews over to the Nazis during the holocaust..

what made her pretty good is what usually makes you so cosmic - she is rather ruthlessly but gently driving a wedge between the appalling behaviour that she points out people are guilty of, and the better thing that those people would hope to be if they tried harder..
lazy jokes that pretend that Theresa May REALLY is a greedy heartless monster or that Jeremy Corbyn REALLY is a communist gangster by nature - thus run counter to that and deflect from the fact that it is the system itself which is the prime enemy which to a varying extent compromises and/or corrupts everyone..
