I will always remember Gene Wilder...(Jerome Silberman) 06/11/1933 to 08/29/2016

in comedy •  9 years ago  (edited)

Such a great comic actor who was in movies from 1967 up to 2005 ! No matter what the situation or how terribly sad i was, all I had to do was watch one of his movies and before long im laughing so hard my gut is killing me! Especially his 1974 movie Blazing saddles ! And of course who could ever forget the 1980 classic with Richard Prior , Stir Crazy! Im deffinately going to be looking these movies up this weekend , and just relax , stay inside and have a Gene Wilder movie festival with my sons! Of course they can bring the beer and pizza ! 😂
What many people didnt know was that Gene Wilder at age 80 was diagnosed with Alzheimers 3 years ago. And this was ultimately the complications of this disease that caused his death at age 83.
Stir Crazy !
Image credit youtube.com
But he will always be fondly remembered by me as the funniest guy on the planet , as back in those years it was from my early to late teens! And every time i broke up with my boyfriend or we had an argument, all i did was eat ice cream and watch Gene Wilder, somehow everything was ok after that!
So thanks Gene for making me laugh back then, and today with video and netflix! Also for many more memories with my sons to cary on the Blazing Saddles and Stir Crazy tradition!
Of course theres many more movies he did like Willie Wonka, The Producers, and another one with Richard Prior , Hear No Evil, See No Evil! In fact Richard Prior stared in at least 4 movies with Gene Wilder ! The list really goes on and on... I highly recomend them all for you to check them out! They will definately bring you back in time if your older, but even if your young and never heard of him you will definatly not be disappointed if you enjoy comedys!
R.I.P. Jerome Silberman... Thanks for the memories. I would love to hear what your favorite memories , or movie was !
Blazing Saddles!
Image credit allstar/warnerbrothers

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We just rented Blazing Saddles last night! Great man, he will be missed :(

Awesome Enjoy! I will be watching it this weekend for the hundredth time lol, its so funny!😂😂😂