Vegans, Vegetarians, Pescatarians, and Other Strange and Terrible Creatures :: Comedy Open Mic Round #8

in comedyopenmic •  6 years ago  (edited)


This post is in no way meant to offend any race, creed, religion, political view, height (or lack thereof), weight (or excessiveness thereof), gender, or social status. It is, however, intended to offend anyone that becomes offended by anything I write here.

Unless I know you. Or if you might flag me. In which case, this is entirely a joke. Written by someone that hacked my account.

The bastards!

Three cool people eating burgers, and some dude with a salad. C'mon man. We can't take you anywhere. Also, this is a stock photo, not taken at my house.

Now that we have our righteous indignation out of the way...

allow me to tell you about a recent gathering of folks I had at my house. Over the course of several days, I was able to partake in many meals with said folks. No names shall be named so as to protect the innocent (although there were a few decidedly non-innocent individuals numbered amongst my temporary companions).

At my house, however, I was the host. As such, I was able to observe the true nature of how modern humanity defines itself.

In eons past, men and women might gather and segregate based on class (or lack of class). Or, they may find themselves seeking out members of similar intelligence. Or job. Or those with a bigger wang. Or smaller wang. Or of the same gender. Or a different gender. Or some undefinable gender that hadn’t been named at that point.

However, if you gather enough people together in one place, you see how the chips truly fall. The lines in the sand are evident. The religion is chosen. The philosophy is written on their sleeve. It falls out of their mouth with every breath. Oh gods, why won't they shut up?

All else can be considered flexible, but people dig in their heels based on their choice of diet.

That's right. Allow me to offer my definitions of where I think the lines are drawn, based on my observations of this large group of people in my house and my struggles to keep them all fed with only the things they were willing to put in their mouths. Here’s what I figured out:

"Put me in your mouth, dammit."


They can’t eat anything except salad. I think they don’t like leather either, which means they can’t wear belts or play football. That may also be because they are so weak and flimsy, and football would destroy them like a hungry fat man at a buffet.


They can play football, graze on grass, and eat dairy products. They don’t like killing animals, but will eat unborn animal babies in the form of eggs. But that’s it.


I guess these folks won’t eat meat unless they can’t see it. It’s hard to see fish since they're usually underwater, so fish are ok. Very tiny cows might be ok too, since they’d be hard to see, too.


These people like to pretend they’re cavemen (and women). So, anything that you can’t hunt or gather is bad. They think dairy is bad too, since cows are too easy to hunt. Starchy stuff like potatoes are fine, since potatoes have a hard time escaping the hunters and can be easily gathered. But only sweet potatoes. White potatoes are bad because Paleo folks are racist. Also, processed stuff is bad. Sugar is bad. Grain is bad, mostly because caveman sucked at baking bread. Maybe they don’t have enough opposable thumbs? Yeah, it feels like Paleo people are Catholics too. Anything that might be fun is bad. However! Nuts are ok, even though it seems like a form of cannibalism...


Almost as unfun as Paleo. However, the Low-Carb folks do get to eat dairy, but unless they cheat (and thus, end up in some kind of food hell), they will never enjoy the pleasure of hot pizza, cold beer, or pumpkin pie. They can probably make a lettuce wrap. Lettuce wrapped in lettuce. Should be fine. Probably.


If it fits in your mouth, you’re good to go.

This is what I have learned. I hope this proves educational for you as well.

Thank you to @anikekirsten and @diebitch for the nomination to write something funny. I tried.

Now I pass on the infectious torch of comedy to two others: @allforthegood and @aksounder. Go forth and conquer!

Title art by @negativer using Canva and Pixabay image. All other images credit Pixabay.

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keep writing like that and we will have to eat you, pickled sausage and all!

👍👍👍👍- no offense unintended :P

Ooo, I forgot that category. Cannibalism!


As a vegan, I'm offended that you would personify that eggplant. Next time when I eat eggplant, I will remember that image and it will bother me. I'm going to have to hunt down the ahole that hacked your account. That piece of crap.

I hope you think of that every time you put something large and purple into your mouth.

whoever hacked my account is probably posting this comment right now, so don't blame me...I mean...don't blame @negativer.

Alright you hacker-jerk, I think I can feel the difference between an eggplant and my boyfriend's engorged penis in my mouth. (deadpan anyone?)


You say that now, but wait until after 10 shots of hard liquor. Everything looks and feels different after 10 shots of anything.

account hacking continues. also @negativer is a very handsome fellow

Yes, consulting the profile pic, he certainly is!

Ironically, atop my table are 10 shots of Smirnoff (don't judge). The fridge is perfectly devoid of aubergine.

At this point in the story, I ask @negativer (through his hacker liaison of course) if he is perhaps unencumbered this evening?

Sugar is my friend.
My best friend.

At least you have friends.

I've eaten all of mine.

That's ok, I eat my best friend every day.

LOL! Hahahaahahahhahahahahahahahaha!!!!

I'm still laughing...

Chuckles continue to rise, unbidden, from some deep place.

THANK YOU, I needed a good laugh today. :D



I'm glad you enjoyed it! Comedy is kind of hard to write, but it's also pretty easy at the same time. (One never knows if a thing that is amusing to one person even registers on the radar for another, so as long as you avoid overthinking it...)

Thanks much for your support, @creatr!

I am on an all mineral diet. small rocks, sand, pond water, and things like that. It is great for the gizzard.

Is there a name for this diet? I can make fun of it in the future? :)

Hey positiver! P;
Thanks for making an entry bro!
Looks like I was able to reach here, riiiiiight before the payout window closed. hehe


I was worried.

I thought you hated me. I was ready to quit steemit altogether.

You were just in time to save me from a terrible mistake.

What would we do without you man?!

You missed the "breatharian" diet. How could you pass up on such an opportunity? Lol.

Oh good lord. I thought you were joking. I went and googled it. You're right, I missed that one. Guess I'll have to save that for a followup!


These people like to pretend they’re cavemen (and women). So, anything that you can’t hunt or gather is bad

That is all I have to say and we will never talk about it again:):):)Now I have to go gather some things:)

You make it sound like I want to talk to a Paleo person to begin with.

Now that I know....



Nah ... i was just outing my dietary preference. I' m easy; just throw the bun and the starch out:) I cheat with cheese all the time:):):)

When the chips fell, who ate them?

Depends on which chips. White (racist) potato, sweet potato, kale, corn, popcorn...

Have people over for an evening, and suddenly you're spending $250 just on snacks.

Hahahhahaha, this is brilliant!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

White potatoes are bad because Paleo folks are racist.

I knew it. This explains a lot. Funny stuff @negativer :)

I know! It all finally made sense to me too!

This. Is. So. True! Now tell me the truth, did Moro really resteen this?!

OMG Kubby, you can't just ask what a man and his wife do in the privacy of their own home!

....You totally resteemed this from her account. I don’t know which one is worse. The dinner party you wrote about that I wasn’t invited too or you using Morodiene account. 😢

It's funny that you think @morodiene even lives at this point. She died a long time ago.

Years ago.

I lament her passing whenever I wake. Why won't you let her go?

Is she rolled up in carpet above the garage?

I'm running out of carpet, but somehow I'm not running out of bodies.

narrows eyes

She such a friendly ghost. Why would you want to be haunted by anyone living? Especially, when you have her by your side all the time singing and playing the piano.

She's only friendly to strangers. At home, she torments me. Me and my cats.

And you say you can see her? Playing the piano? And hear her singing?

I haven't seen her in years, but I can imagine those times. Sweet, lost times.

Does she know that you can’t see her and your girl friend pets the cats, plays the piano, and sings? Wait, is your girlfriend your dead wife? Oh no, your dating the twin aren you? Gross neg!

I'd like to see a documentary on how early man hunted these.

Me too. Seems like they'd be easily rounded up on the open plains of a primitive land. Maybe they evolved.

No hot pizza or cold beer? Low carb diet is not for me!

-Hilarious, you've just restored my faith in the comedyopenmic tag ;)

I couldn't do low carb if my life depended on it. A life without pizza and no life I want to lead :)

Pretty accurate XD You missed fregans bro (is offended).

Dammit. Are you a fregan? Do I have to unfollow you?

So militant!!
No, I'm not a fregan, but I completely respect the whys of what they do. I think if you become vegetarian, vegan or whatever for environmental, political, or social reasons, then you're really not doing it right unless you go fregan. You're still supporting corrupt systems built on next-to-free labor and greed, even just by eating a tomato!

I respect the logic of it as well, but I also see how impractical it would be on a large (worldwide) scale. All those corrupt systems are still supporting the people that work there. Take away the systems (or the reason for them to exist) and now you have rampant...what? Freedom? Unemployment? Wild bands of serfs roaming the countryside? Who knows?

It's like the whole Backpage and Craigslist situation with adult services being made 'unavailable' through these sites. Everyone feels great for having taken something like that offline...but all the stuff is still going to happen anyway, just more underground.

I feel if everyone was fregan, the negative impact would be worse from that than the negative impacts of the system right now.

Who knows, though. I can't pretend to be an expert in economics.

I believe in anarchy though. Ya know, Chaos is the only truth.

My thought has always been that if enough people commit to a blatant boycott of a system (like freganism is) then maybe people will learn and the system will correct itself/compromise. Like, recently, I blasted my local Dairy Queen about their blizzards because they're always soupy. My parents got really upset because we live next door to the manager of Dairy Queen and my mom said it would hurt their business. Well, yeah, but maybe then they'd learn to actually make decent blizzards. Or, if they don't learn, we just got rid of a sick system. Maybe someone with better experience or who actually gives two hecks will take over and make decent blizzards. Ones worth four-freaking-dollars, anyways.

That, or maybe the system will have to come down and folks can put their hands to the soil again and farm that way, v.s. factory-grown animals and importing from fifteen other countries.

Now this is fascinating and hilarious. What of omnomnomnivores? If it fits, it goes in. Again and again.

Nic says you have his seal of approval. Just, try not to eat it.

Seals are meat. Therefore, they must be eaten. Sorry Nic.

I think the post is just the setup for the comments... :-)

You may be right. It's all about community interaction. That's always my goal when I make fun of people on steemit :)

I love Vegetarians but I've never eaten a whole one.

I did once.

It was awful.

Vegans taste better. Chewy, not chalky.

Got a few laughs, thanks for them.
I'm now a follower

Thanks! First laughs are free.

I'm willing to be overcharged.

Snowflake tears are delicious on lettuce wraps.

Too funny laugh so hard lol



Hmmmmmmm chips

Good post