A few days ago I talked about comic books that changed your life. This time, Jonas has the spotlight.
This comic book from Fantastic Four changed Jonas' life. This issue features the first defeat of this family with superpowers in the hands of Dr. Doom with the help of the Silver Surfer - yep, the same story that happened in the movies around 20 years ago and they screwed up some of the best superhero stories ever.
He had the spanish version by the publishing house Novedades and one happy day, he decided to bring it to school to share it with his friends and to brag a little bit about having such a special piece - it was sold in the newsstand, but kids will be kids - and obviously, it didn't survive and while it was passing from careless hands to sloppy hands, the comicbook ended up all teared and ragged, all he could save was the last page.
A couple of decades later I got my hands in one of these, first edition and near mint status and I uploaded it to my store's webpage and Jonas found it, he told me this story and it is now in his grateful and happy hands.