Found Comics in the Book Swap at Work

in comicbooks •  6 years ago 

At work we have a book exchange box, where people leave books they're done with and you're free to take what's in there. This is where I put books once I'm done with them if I don't want to keep them.

Usually there's not a ton in there that's interesting, but recently I found some comics!



It's a pretty random assortment of stuff, so I'm not really sure how they came to be in the box, but I was happy to grab them.

I also found this in there.


I've never played the DC RPG, but I'm interested in reading through it. It looks like it has lots of info on characters who cross Superman's path. At least circa 1985. Maybe I can adapt the stats and drop the Man of Steel into a D&D campaign.

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Huh... is that "THE" DC Heroes RPG by Mayfair Games? That sourcebook may actually be pretty valuable. Not like hundreds, but maybe $20 or $30 to a collector. I loved that version of the DC Heroes Game. Might run a little clunky compared to Green Ronin's version (they published a DC Adventures game in conjunction with DC using their 3rd edition Mutants & Masterminds).

It is the Mayfair one. A quick eBay search shows 2 sold recently. One for $4 and one for $10. So not worth a ton, but I thought it was a pretty neat find. I've never played the DC RPGs, but I'm really interested to read through this.