Incredible Hulk - Future Imperfect, The review...

in comics •  7 years ago  (edited)

This is one of the real jewels from the 90's!

Written by Peter David and drawn by George Pérez, in 1992, it's a masterpiece in two parts.

In a dystopian future ruled by a tyrant with an iron hand, where there are no more heroes, we find a really, really old Rick Jones, and his great grand-Daughter, fighting in a resistance of sorts.

Future Imperfect 1.jpg

Rick brings the Hulk thru Doctor Doom's Time Machine to fight against The Maestro who, surprisingly, is none other than an older, deranged and vice-ridden version of the HULK himself!

Future Imperfect 2.jpg

Of course they fight after a long preamble... The younger Hulk loses and ends with a broken neck. While he is healing, he continues his attacks, after all, The Maestro had to leave an orgy, and debauchery being his forte, he is angry!

![Future Imperfect orgy.jpg]

Of note, is the fact that The Maestro killed ALL ( or almost all) of the heroes remaining in this world, so he wouldn't have any future problems in his master plan.
Rick Jones maintains a Trophy Room of sorts, with something of each fallen enemy of The Maestro.
We can see there, many characters from Marvel Comics; semi-hidden ( to avoid trouble with them) we can also see some DC heroes, and even the Chains of Spawn, the most recognized Image (anti?)hero!

And in this place, is the final showdown!

Future Imperfect Trophy Room.jpg

Future Imperfect ashes.jpg

Two prestige format volumes, not expensive, and A MUST READ!

The 90's also had great works! Search for them!

Thanks for reading!

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Nice comics.

Nicer story, pal!