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Ohhhhh man, that is looking so sweet with the title on the cover.

What episode of Comic Book Men? I watch that show fairly religiously yet I dislike myself for it and I don't know why. Oh wait, I do...cheesy jokes, way over produced, I hate so many things about it yet I do love the show.

How many copies of Seer do you have?

"Bobby, deh ever catch dat gorilla that busted outa da zoo and punched you in da eye?"

"No Mama, the search continues."

Glad you’re diggin’ it! I’m planning on a strip along the bottom with arc title, part 1 info too. I like that sorta old school stuff.

Comic Book Men isn’t that guilty of a pleasure for me! Other than some of the over scripted segments, I enjoy their sense of humor. Since they’re definitely not good actors, I think there are fairly frequent ad libs & legit crack ups. And it’s nice seeing some of the artists and celebs no matter how staged.

I went to the Yoga Hosers premiere in Red Bank, so I’m the bald dude grinning in the background in that episode when Jay & Bratzi Ming are interacting outside the theater.

I probably have about 1500 copies of Seer still lingering, I’ll get around to selling them one day (or giving them away!)

OT: no resteems at Steem-comic-con anymore?

I understand it can be lots of work but it also was an awesome discovery vault.

I’ve gotta get back to the SCC! Thanks for the nudge and letting me know it has some value! I’ve got a few ideas brewing... perhaps I can get started in the next couple days. I appreciate the support!

Love the car scene and you are right... WIP is a good approach!

The cover is very important, is the one that hooks us or just makes us turn around, your cover I love and no matter that I've seen it many times hehehehe but in the same way I'm not bored to see it, I love every step you make.

The other pages are missing and here I will continue to see them when they are ready. 💕💕💕

I am happy I haven’t bored you yet! The real struggle of all those inside pages is yet to come!

I do not think you make me bored ever, I assure you.

Well I hope you win that epic battle that is coming ;)

I know my cartoons look like doodles because I don't use perspective and shading. But I do preliminary sketches. I'll draw in pencil, then move around characters and dialog balloons until I get the composition right.

Talking about layouts, the YouTube channel Strip Panel Naked recently had a show about 3-4 panel gag strips!

I’ll check that channel out, thanks for the link. Can’t get much better than using Calvin & Hobbes for instructional purposes!

We like to see the progress of your work, and how complicated and different this is... I love it!

i like your this line

"Right now I feel like I'm visualizing as I get ready to attack." its only my personal opinion..

Hello @bryan-imhoff, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I wanna work on my villain mix but I can't get motivated to buy that mouse. Haha. I still use a mouse to work on a computer. :P

Wait whut? You're working on your comics right? Good luck!